chapter 1

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I was running through the forest looking back and I see blue eyes chasing me.
Me and Scott have been running for around an hour trying to get back to my jeep when all of a sudden something grabs him.

I start running after him because I'm not going to leave my best friend to die! I trip over something, when I see it I scream crawling backwards.......

2 hours earlier;

I'm on Scott's roof waiting for him to get out so I can tell him about what I have plans for. I hear him walking onto the porch so I drop off the roof.

"Stiles! What the heck! It's the middle of the night!" He says putting the bat down that he almost hit me with.

"Well I heard over my dad's phone that they found someone in the woods" I get up from the ground.

Scott looks at me like he wants to personally kill me. "And you think that just because we are best friends that I'd go with you?" He just gives me a 'disapointed dad' face.

"Well yes but that's not the point. They found a body in the woods!" I say excited.

"Like, a dead body?" He says with a frown on his face. I jump up on to the porch saying, "no a body of water. Yes dumbass a dead body" I say looking at him like he's stupid.


"I hate you" Scott says before walking in front of the jeep. " I love you too buddy" I pat him on the back.

"Okay let's do this" I grab the flashlight and start walking. "So what are we looking for exactly?" "Just half of the body" I scan the area. "Which half?" I stop to face him.

"I actually haven't thought about that" I turn and continue looking for the body. "You know maybe the severe asthmatic should get the flashlight?" He falls into a tree grabbing his inhaler, but I don't stop walking.

I see something so I start running twords it. "Stiles!" I look behind me and some weird creepy red eyed wolf thing running twords us. "Scott let's go! Jeep now!" We start running to the jeep but it's so far then I see something blue chasing with the red.

Me and Scott have been running for around an hour trying to get back to my jeep when all of a sudden something grabs him.

I start running after him because I'm not going to leave my best friend to die! I trip over something, when I see it I scream crawling backwards

I found the other half of the body but I can't think of that right now. I get up and run in the direction I saw that thing take my best friend.

I run and run but I can't find him I stop to breathe when this fox comes and bites me. " Oh fuck! I'm so getting rabies" I gasp out.


I make it back to my jeep then look at the bite on my leg. I suddenly hear a howl. " What the fuck is happening!" I start the jeep and start down the road to see if I can find Scott hopefully he escaped.

I've been driving for at least 40 minutes when I finally find him. "Stiles!" He says running to the jeep. "Something bit me!" He says looking at his hip.

"Yeah a fucking fox bit my leg!" I say showing him the bite mark. "Dude I'm so sorry for bringing you out here but I did find that half of the body"

He just looks horrified from the wonderful night we've had. "Okay yep let's just go home" he just sighs in relief. I really do feel bad for him, cause he was just fucking dragged away by this weird abomination then I got bit by a fox.

"Should we go to the animal clinic and get our stuff treated?" I say because Scott works there. "I didn't lock up so I don't know if he left the keys but we can go see" he's not even looking at me and it makes me feel horrible.

"Look Scott I'm sorry I shouldn't have dragged you out there" I say looking at him for a moment before looking back at the road and we have actually made it back into town.

He shifts in his seat. "I know your sorry I'm just so tired right now and I should've stayed home" he puts a comforting hand on stiles shoulder. "But I'm glad it was me and not you"

"That makes me feel more of a dick" I say pulling into the clinic parking lot. I pretty much have my own spot because I come here all the time. Too see Scott, well mostly the animals.

We walk around to the back and Scott picks up the mat to see if the keys are there and thank God they are. "Okay let's just get this over with" it's like one in the morning and we have school tomorrow so we might just miss tomorrow.

I walk in behind him and walk to the 'surgery' room. " Okay stiles I'm going to need you to help me with this" he takes off his hoodie and his shirt.

Not gonna lie he looks hot that way but he's my best friend so he's off limits. He doesn't even know I'm bi and I don't plan on telling him any time soon.

"What do you need me to do?" I stand awkwardly. He looks at me and I start looking for antibiotics and bandages. "Okay so this is definitely going to hurt so don't hurt me" I smile and give him a thumbs up.


We finish getting each other bandages and I drop him off at his house then go to mine.
I walk into my house and my dad is asleep at the table with lots of files and other stuff.

I walk to the couch and grab a blanket and put it on his shoulders I know it's not much but I'm to tired to put him on the couch.

I finally get to my bed and flop on it immediately falling asleep.

4 hours later;

"Stiles buddy wake up it's time for school" my dad said. "Ugh I don't feel so good.." I get up and throw up into my toilet. "Yo dad?" I lift my head to see my dad in the doorway.

"You are staying home." He says crossing his arms. "heh that's great thanks dad" I give him a smile and a thumbs up.

"But you dad have work and I want a shower so, out" I shoo him out so I can check the bite. It's gone. What the hell?

Maybe it's just a dream? Nope because I have a bandage and blood on it. Okay let's just take a shower.


Yo hope you like this first part 😁
See you later weirdos 🩵

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