chapter 2

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Stiles finishes his shower then gets out.
He doesn't even bother putting clothes on and he just flops onto his bed.

His phone vibrates from its place on his desk, he grabs it and notices two texts. One from his Dad saying, 'feel better soon, love you 💜' he just sent back, '💜'

The second text caught him off guard Scott texted him saying, 'dude where are you we need to talk' he looks at his phone worried, 'hey I'm not feeling so good so just come over to my house after school or whenever'

He decides to just go to sleep because he's absolutely exhausted. He'll deal with Scott later. He doesn't even bother telling scott at the moment that his bite is gone.


I wake up a few hours later and check my phone. I turn it on and get blinded by the light of my phone. Once my eyes adjust I see that scott responded a few minutes ago.

'hey stiles I'm going to come over around 1:40' i read his text then check the time it's 1:27. Okay so I have enough time to get dressed cool.

I slowly get out of bed putting my phone back on the desk beside my bed. I get up fully, stretching out my muscles when I hear literally everything and I cover my ears.

I can smell so many things I can smell mint gum in one of my jackets, My dirty laundry, the spoild food in the fridge.

"Ookaay. Let's just get dressed and wait for Scotty" I say to myself. I walk to my closet and grab a loose red long sleeve v-neck, and black sweats. I don't bother grabbing boxers because these have kinda built in ones.

I check my phone to see that scott says he's here. I walk down the stairs to the front door and open it to see a worried Scott.

"Stiles we may have a problem.." he walks through the door to the kitchen and sits at the table with his head in his hands.

"Your telling me. So is the bite gone?" I question him but he looks up at me shocked.

"It is and I can see hear and smell things I shouldn't be able to see hear and smell!" He shouts at me.

"Okay so you got bit by a weird wolf thing and I got bit by a fox so...oh my God!" I throw my hands over my head and start pacing around.

He looks at me waiting for me to say what I just thought. "Okay Scott this is going to sound absolutely insane but I think you're a werewolf"

He just stares blankly with his mouth on the floor. "Your joking. Right?" I look at him with my most sincere face I can muster.

"No. I'm not joking" actually to think of it Scott would be really cool as a werewolf. We just gotta find whatever bit him.

"What about you? Whats happening to you are you turning into a fox? He says he actually seems to be taking this pretty well.

"Um I don't know after I woke up everything just got louder and I need to do some research. You go try to find the things that did this to us" what Scott doesn't know is that stiles got bit by a regular fox and that he's been a werefox his whole life. Just the bite messed with his fox.

"Why do I need to go do that?" He says getting up and walking twords me.

"Because I'm smarter. And you probably can find it without me" I turn leaving him going back to my room.

"Whatever by" I hear Scott leave. God I hope he finds the Hales before they come to visit me. They don't like me much ever since I started playing tricks on them.

Well they don't like the fox. I hope they don't find out it's me playing tricks on them then all my fun would be ruined.

A few hours later and stiles dad gets home. And has medicine for him. He doesn't know that stiles is a werefox because his mom never told him.

"Stiles! I got some stuff for you!" His Dad yelled up the stairs. Stiles surprisingly didn't hear his Dad even when he come to his room because he was doing research.

"Stiles your supposed to be resting" his Dad crosses his arms in front of him. Stiles finally notices his father giving him a sly smile.

"I did dad don't worry" stiles goes back to his research telling his dad he loves him.


Sorry this is short but I hope you like it
Love you weirdos
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