chapter 3

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I've been away from beacon hills for years now and my sister Laura has been gone for awhile.
I am really worried about her, but I should visit my uncle Peter who is in the hospital because of a fire that killed almost every single person I cared about. I would never admit any of these words.

Peter and Laura were the only ones to escape. Nobody knows what happened to cause that fire but what I know is that it wasn't an accident. I'm sure it had something to do with someone I was seeing at the time.


*Beacon hills* Derek's pov

I've been back in beacon hills for a week now and my uncle is fully healed has been for a few months apparently and my sister is dead. Peter says that hunters killed her. I believe him of course. Sorta.

Me and him left off on the wrong foot before the fire so I'm just trying to reconnect with him. It's kind of hard when he thinks it's all my fault. There's been this fox terrorizing me and him. Him longer then me since I haven't been here long.

We've tried capturing it but it always gets away. It always seems to be smiling whenever we fail, it's like it has its own game that it's playing. But enough of the fox I need to find the stupid teenager my uncle bit. But I can't talk to him directly so I'll seek out his best friend.


Stiles' pov

"So Scotty you left your inhaler in the woods and you can't go to practice until we find it?" I say sarcastically as we walk through the woods. He ducks his head and says "yeahh, my mom would kill. me and those things are expensive!" He throws his hands in the air.

We get to the place he last saw it and out of nowhere someone says. "This is private property" I look and I see this gorgeous grumpy man. Scott speaks up "sorry j-just looking for something"

Then out of nowhere this guy who I know to be Derek Hale takes Scotts inhaler and throws it at him. "Leave and don't come back" I look to Scott then back to Derek and he's gone!

"Dude that was Derek Hale. His family died in a fire a few years ago and he's only a few years older than us" I say trying to hide a smirk. He looks at me with judgy eyes. "Of course you would know that" then he starts walking back the way we came.

I stand there shocked he would say such a thing to me! "Um excuse you how dare you Scott McCall!" He just gives me the finger which makes me quite mad. If he wasn't my best friend/ brother then I'd scratch his eyes out. That's why I hate werewolfs so stuck up and thinking their better than everyone else.

I know Scotts not like that but ughhhh. I follow him back to my jeep and we head to lacrosse practice. I don't know how we aren't popular like the rest of the players but it's whatever I have something else I do that gets me the attention I like.


*Lacrosse practice*

Not going to lie we were like 3 minutes late but Coach wasn't having it so we had to do 4 laps! Not three! Four! (Internaly cry's). Scott doesn't need his inhaler anymore which I already knew but I couldn't tell him that it would blow my cover. He figured that out after running so fast he almost ran into me without doubling over gasping for air.

Gosh I've gotta teach him control. "Scott slow down okay people might think your on steroids" I 'wheeze out of breath' I'm such a good actor. "Oh yeah sorry. But how are you still acting the same?"

I started to get a little nervous. "Oh uh this morning I ran down the stairs to fast and hit the door... So I uh practice not doing that.." I hope he doesn't catch my lie. Well that did actually happen to me once but we won't talk about that.

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