Ikevamp Characters Turned Into Little Kids?!

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A/N: The story idea popped into my head, and thought it would be funny to write. There is no spoilers or anything in this, just fun and giggles! ❤️ This is my first story I've written on here. Hope you enjoy Part 1!


On this eventful day, where the flowers beamed through the gardens greeting the morning air as the waking sun rises up to join in. You went ahead down to the kitchen to do your dutiful duties as per usual your daily routine. As you were walking down the same red hallways that always glitter through the small patches of sunlight, you found yourself in the dining room and then to the kitchen.

Of course, the person that is always in the kitchen first was Sebastian.

You said happily, "Good morning Sebastian. Seems like you got most of the breakfast prepared already.." As you glanced towards the already organized and beautifully neat trays of food preparations.

"Good morning, Y/N. Maybe if you woke up a little earlier you could've done some of them." Sebastian smiles as he passes on the food trays to you.

You sighed, "I mean, I can't really beat the insane butler of the century. Can I?"

Sebastian laughed a bit, "You won't be able to dethrone me, hehe. Oh yeah, I'll be going out for errands after breakfast. It will take me a little longer than usual."

You said curiously, "Oh? How long?"

Sebastian looks at the clock and thinks for a moment. "Probably around 4pm most likely."

"Do you want me to help you out with your errands?" As you offered.

Sebastian says kindly, "No you don't need to. Thank you for offering though, I appreciate it. But I'll be relying on you to be able to do most of the chores in the mansion while I'm gone."

You nod in agreement as you glanced over to the food. You picked up the tray of food that consists of: two dishes with unfathomable amount of pancake stacks, toasted bread with some topping of jam, butter, and three bottles of maple syrup. You walked out to greet those in the dining room, as they greeted you back. After finishing the preparations for breakfast, next was laundry.

Outside you hung the clothing as they were waving in the wind gently. The hours went by already from morning to the afternoon. After finishing hanging the clothes, you went to grab the laundry basket, only to see something in the corner of your eye. You went ahead and looked in the direction where that small speck was moving.

"Was that my imagination?" You said to yourself.

"Maybe I should check just in case. Might be just a small animal or something."

You approached where the small speck could've been, but you don't exactly see anything in the area. You sighed. You expected that it was just your imagination, then you turned around and took a step before realizing something was in front of you. It made you jump to your feet. You look down to see a small kid in your field of view. He had pinkly blossom hair with beautiful bright pink eyes, though his clothes seemed a bit too big on him.

You kneel down and asked the kid, "Hey there. Did you get lost? Where are your parents?"

You thought to yourself for a moment.

"Wait. How is a little kid inside the mansion? Where did he come from?"

A strange nervousness started to swell up inside you.

"Maybe one of the residents brought a kid here? But I don't think I ever seen a resident do that before.. Plus this kid.. looks oddly familiar.." As you kept thinking to yourself.

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