Cat Notes (Leonardo x Reader)

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A/N: This story doesn't have any spoilers FYI! Just another wholesome story. Plus in Leonardo's POV 😌🤌 Now this Y/N this time around in this story knows how to draw a bit. Just doing art as a hobby as a sort. Had to draw over my flight trip to reach the impending deadline that is this date. Enjoy 😌


My eyes were closed and amidst my vision that was shrouded in blackness. I lie down at my usual spot in the dim lighted room in the cases and cases of books.

Taking a short nap, I suppose. Honestly more of a whole day worth of a nap. It's really comfortable here, and quite warm too.

I heard some footsteps come arise. Slowly the steps were an echo, but suddenly started to visualize into a clank instead. There isn't anybody with this type of clank, nobody but one person.

I sighed, but more of a happier sigh.

Here comes-

"Leonardo are you in here by chance?"


But then again, I didn't respond to their question. I just want to see what Y/N will do.

I heard Y/N sigh, and heard Y/N spoke again, "I know you're here..."

The footsteps that were few steps away suddenly got louder, and I decided to open my eyes to see their face in full view.

The footsteps that were few steps away suddenly got louder, and I decided to open my eyes to see their face in full view

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Their voice softly spoke, but also sounded annoyed, "Of course you would use books as a blanket. Are you trying to camouflage yourself Leonardo?"

Seeing their face when I open my eyes again. Y/N looks very cute. It's always one of the many things I anticipate whenever Y/N comes to find me sleeping in the library. I'll never get tired of seeing Y/N face.

I smiled, "A book blanket is actually warm. You should try it someday. It's quite the good disguise too, don'cha think cara mia?"

Their face visually turned into a sweet smile, "Well if you consider the fact I found you immediately.. it's not really a good disguise. You just look like you got trampled by a bunch of books. Plus books as a blanket... sounds, uncomfortable."

"Hehe." I got up and straightened my back with my blanket books sliding down off my chest.

Y/N said crossing their arms, "Hehe, yeahhh?"

Quite unusual for Y/N to be here lookin' for me in particular at this time. Y/N usually is busy with chores or shopping of the sort and then Y/N would have their free time afterwards. So, I'm thinkin' about what exactly they came here for.

I questioned curiously with a grin, "So what are ya doing here cara mia? Don't tell me ya miss me already?"

With their arms crossed, they looked at me with a bit of a tinge of embarrassment. But just guessing, they won't actually say that they are so.

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