Chapter Two

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( Terribly Desirable )    ✝︎     ───      02.

MELODY LOOKED over at Carl as he tapped her shoulder, narrowing her eyes when he stuck his tongue out at her. She gasped dramatically, placing her hand over her chest in mock horror. "Carl!" She exclaims. "How could you?"

Carl laughs, sitting down on the floor next to her to play with the toy cars that he had. She smiles at him, nudging him with her shoulder. He hums, looking up at her. She places her finger over her lips, looking around to see if anyone was looking before pulling out the pocket knife she had stolen from Shane.

His face lights up as he takes it, hiding it in his pocket with a grin.

"Dale, I'm heading out," Lori calls up to Dale. Carl looks over at her as he plays with the cars. "Sweetheart, I want you to stay where Dale can see you, okay?"

"I've got him, Lori," Melody says, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "Although, I think he might kill me."

Carl grins as he nods his head. Lori smiles, beginning to walk into the woods.

"Don't wander too far," Dale calls out to Lori. "Stay without shouting distance, and if you see anything, holler. I'll come running."

Melody smiles at Carl as she takes one of the toy cars, making noises as she rams the car into Carl's. Carl laughed, copying her as she winks at him.

"My car is so much better than yours," She boasted playfully, shaking her car in front of her. Carl shook his head, holding his own car up.

"Nope, my car is better," He retorted, laughing at her offended face. She sits her car down next to her, giving him a few seconds to wonder what she was going to do before she started tickling him. He squirms, laughing at he tried to get her off. "Stop!" He laughed, trying to cover his waist with his arms.

"Say my car's better," She demanded with a smile, still tickling him. He shakes his head, still laughing at her relentless tickling. "Say it."

"Never!" He gasped as he tried to get his breath. She gives him a few second to recover before immediately tickling him again. "Okay! Okay! Your car is better!"

He gasped for his breath after she stop tickling him, a few breathless giggles escaping him. She laughs along with him, holding her hand out for a fist bump which he immediately returned.

They kept on playing with the cars, making noises and ramming into each other when the other wasn't looking. Carl never stopped laughing as Melody gasped dramatically each time he bumped his car into hers.

Terribly Desirable ✹ Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now