Chapter 9

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Severus had just gotten into bed, planning to read for a bit before going to sleep himself. He, of course, wanted to be up earlier than Harry, as he had this morning. At that moment, though, the Dark Mark began to burn on his left forearm. He grit his teeth, gripping the forearm. He had known one was coming. He wouldn't have to worry about it at school, at least not as much. He still must go every time it burned. Heaven forbid Dumbledore lost his spy... Groaning, he quickly dressed and made his way downstairs and straight for the door.

That was when it hit him. He had a kid. He couldn't very well just leave because he had no idea when he would be back. The Dark Lord might keep him for a day or two or just a few hours. Sighing, he turned around and walked back upstairs, straight to Harry's room. The boy was sleeping soundly for once, though for how long that would be, he wasn't sure.

Severus leaned down, removing his right hand from the Dark Mark on his left forearm. He reached out and gently shook Harry awake. The boy slowly began to wake, blinking at him groggily in confusion. "I have to go." His words didn't seem to sink in because he got the same confused look in the boy's green eyes. "He calls. I have to go." Harry nodded. "I don't know when I'll be back." With that, he swept out of the room.

In a short time, he had Apparated to the Dark Lord's current hideout; his Death Eater mask firmly in place. He made sure his mental wards were up, too - now more than ever, the Dark Lord needed to be kept out. Others were approaching it as well, and as he went inside, a few more were in there, as well. He immediately found Lucius, though, of course, he didn't acknowledge him. He could always pick his old friend out, even in Death Eater's robes. Lucius had a distinct way of walking and moving about him. Besides, it was always a good idea to know where he was.

Severus and the others immediately bowed to the Dark Lord, going to their knees in submission and keeping their heads low.

"Rise, my loyal subjects," the Dark Lord said from his place at the front of the room. "Tell me, what is the news from the Ministry?" Severus could feel a few of his fellow Death Eater's stiffening a little bit and knew that was not a good sign. None immediately piped up. The Dark Lord immediately became enraged when no one answered him. He drew his wand, yelling, "Crucio!" at a random Death Eater. Severus did not turn to see who it was. "I ask again... what is the news at the Ministry?" There was a warning tone to his voice, and a shiver of fear went through the Death Eaters.

"M-my lord," said a voice that Severus recognized but could not immediately place. "The Ministry doesn't trust Dumbledore. Rumor has it that Fudge thinks that Dumbledore is trying to usurp him."

"We have also been slow in infiltrating the Ministry higher up, my lord," said another voice. "We are progressing, though, just not as quickly as originally anticipated."

The Dark Lord raised his wand and Crucioed someone else. Severus couldn't tell if it was one of the people who had spoken up or some other poor sap. "What is the news from Hogwarts?" Though he did not say his name, everyone knew who the Dark Lord was speaking to.

"Hogwarts is unchanged, my lord. Dumbledore has been unsuccessful in finding a new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher," Severus explained.

"There's a rumor at the Ministry that Fudge will make a nomination himself before long in an attempt to keep Dumbledore in check," said the second voice from earlier.

The Dark Lord seemed more satisfied with that. Before the Death Eaters were excused to leave, there were brief talks about other things. Severus, of course, stayed behind. Once everyone had left, the Dark Lord beckoned him forward. "Something else you wish to say, Severus?" he asked. "Something you didn't wish to say in front of the others."

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