CH2: Megatron Kills Riser/ A Headmaster Meeting At Union Academy

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Megatron was walking through the base, heading to the war room, to talk to his generals. He enters and sees his generals. Switchblade, Mismatch, Swindle, Contagion, and Flamewar.

Megatron: Generals.

His generals face him to give their reports in. They know they will pay if they fail their missions or have any form of delay.

Megatron: Switchblade.

Switchblade: Master.

Megatron: What news?

Switchblade: I have secured make-shift a seat behind enemy lines... However, Atlas is still handling the rouge white fang members that follow Adam Tartarus. And, it would seem Yagi's location is still a close book to all at the moment.

Contagion: She will surface before long.

Switchblade: Such 'noble' intentions grow dim under-cloak.

Megatron didn't like what Switchblade just said because he knew that his ex sister was not a coward. She will do anything to get what she needs done.

Megatron: Don't presume you know anything of Izumi Yagi's intentions, you fool!

Switchblade: A miss-step, master...

Megatron then turns to face Swindle about his Armada.

Megatron: Swindle! My Armada?

Swindle was terrified that he must break the bad news about the Armada had fallen behind schedule.

Swindle: W-We have fallen slightly behind schedule due to the expansion of operations, Lord -

He was cut off by Megatron blasting a stun shot at Swindle, knocking him out.

Switchblade: Speak up Swindle, we are having trouble hearing you.

Megatron was not happy, he needs his Armada fully formed if he wanted his war to start on the corrupted society.

Megatron: Find me, Izumi!

Flamewar: My master, I have news about the Phoenix clan in the Underworld you must hear.

Megatron: What is it, Flamewar?

Flamewar: Riser Phenex plans on taking your Armada and presumes commande of the Decepticons because he thinks you are deceased. And he had forced Rias Gremorey in an arranged marriage. He only thinks of Rias as a trophy. Along with her peerage.

Megatron was furious about this. He will deal with Riser himself. He will teach him an unforgettable lesson to never mess with Megatron.

Megatron: WHAT?! HE DARES TO DISCREDIT ME?! ASSEMBLE A STRIKE FORCE! WE ARE GOING TO RISER'S DOMAIN! Switchblade, I will let you handle any of those pesky guards that get in our way. Contagion, I need you to handle Riser's peerage, I don't need them interrupting the wrath I plan on inflict on Riser. Flamewar, you and Swindle will handle Riser's parents and his sister. I will deal with Riser myself.

All: Yes, Lord Megatron.


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