Pilot Part 1

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A book opens to reveal a colorful circus tent. A blue orb with bat wings and a shiny mask appeared with a golden sword.

Meta Knight: Welcome to the Amazing Literature Circus! My name is Meta Knight and I'm this story's ringmaster, and I'm here to show you the most jaw dropping, heart stopping, mind bending paraphernalia you've ever read upon! Isn't that right, Kirby?

A smaller pink orb with a golden star mask appeared beside him with in a warp star.

Kirby: That's right, sir! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up today!

Meta Knight: Well, let's not waste any time, let's get right into the show- I mean, story!

Lico, and Choco, and Cacao too,
Clotted Cream, Stardust, and there's Marx, Woo-Hoo!

*Disclaimer, Marx the Jester did not show up today*

Day after day after-- day after-- day after day we fly!
Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why?!

Suddenly, a red humanoid figure with two party hats appeared outta nowhere

???: What-what? Where am I...?!

The red figure dodges a floating object and attempts to ran to a nearby exit door but it disappears. He dodged over a fallen flower pot as it continues to clip through and hit the floor. He accidentally bumps into Stardust, who bumps into Dark Cacao, who then bumps into Licorice, breaking his comedy mask. The music stops and everyone turned to the red figure.

Stardust: Meta, is this one of your background characters or a new sucker? Because if this is a new character, then we're gonna have to redo the whole intro again.

Dark Choco: I'm not doing that again...!

Meta Knight: My, my! It appears to be that a new human has entered this realm.

???: *Pulling face and tongue* How do I take this- glasses off!!

Stardust: Just keep grabbing at it... That worked for all of us...

The red devil pulled his tongue and horn once more to remove it but to no avail.

???: What's going on...? I-I put on this weird glasses on and now I'm... here...

He then looks at the others.

???: Who are you people? Why can't I take it off? Where am I?!

Clotted Cream: Let's just try to calm down... Everything's gonna be okay, new stuff. We've all been through this, you just need to get your head to-

???: WHAT THE F*redacted* IS GOING ON?!?! Wha--?

Meta Knight: Now, now, now, my dear, we can't have any of that foul language around here. The Amazing Literature Circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages. You *points at ???*, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen! Except for swearing...

???: *croak* *meow* *nope* *poyo* *ding* *bonk* *honk* *beep* *bark* *bloop*... *schwam*!!... Oh my God... uh, well, how do I... you know, leave...?

Meta Knight: Uh-

Clotted Cream: Well, don't freak out or anything, but we don't exactly...-

Stardust: You can't.

???: What?

Dark Choco: Shut up, Stardust. But, yeah, he's right, welcome to your new home, and your new body.

???: 'New Home'? What do you mean?

Clotted Cream: Guys, don't be mean.

Stardust: We've been stuck in here for years. Old Dark Cacao over there's supposedly been here the longest.

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