Pilot Part 2

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Banban, Clotted Cream, and Stardust walks through a colorful and royal looking hallway with character doors on each sides.

Clotted Cream: So, this is where we all live- or well, where we all sleep at night. Even though we don't really need to sleep, it's sometimes nice to kind of take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine, you know? I'm sure there will be one for-- Oh look-- you already got one.

Banban looks at the door with his face on it, indicating that it's his room.

Banban: *Turning away as they continue to walk* I still don't understand about the adventures. Why even go on them at all? Why not try to find a way to leave?

Clotted Cream: Well, we usually do-- when we first arrive... But after a while, you start to realize that you can't really leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is, and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive. And when you reach your breaking point something really terrible will happen.

Clotted Cream stopped his ranting and realized that they reached Marx's room with Stardust and Banban staring at him.

Clotted Cream: Ah, but that's not something we need to deal with today. Above anything else, the adventures gives us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated.

He then rings the doorbell to Marx's dorm room.

Stardust: Thank goodness this is just a dream right, Banban?

Banban's eyes became pupiless and black with an unsettling vibe and despair leaking from it. Stardust looks at him and flicks his cheek, snapping Banban out of his trance.

Banban: Huh?! Why are we here again? What are we doing?

Clotted Cream: We're getting one of our friends.

The consul rang the doorbell again, but he was only met with silence as Stardust and Banban went over.

Clotted Cream: Huh, maybe he's not in his room? I hope he's all right...

Stardust: Don't worry, creamy, *twirling a key with Marx's insignia on it* I've got a key to his room.

Clotted Cream: Wha- wait- what- why?! Y-You shouldn't have keys to anyone's room!

Stardust: *attempts to unlock Marx's room* Nah, I've got keys everywhere, and you've all been fine. By the way, *turns to Clotted Cream* I may have left something in your room today, let me know if you find it... You're not afraid of centipedes, are you?

Clotted Cream: Star! That's literally my only fear, why would you do this?!?!

Stardust: What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You'll never know until it's too late.

As they open the door they froze in shock. Marx's room is a mess covered with marker scribbles about exits everywhere from the floor, ceiling, and walls. In the middle of the room is a big black, inky, and dripping creature with multiple cyan eyes in the center of the room.

Stardust: ...Oh, I've been looking for this *grabs a sparkling bowling ball* Thanks for keeping an eye on it, Marxy. Imma head out now, see ya!

Stardust then speeds off in a trail of glittering stars, leaving Banban and Clotted Cream with the creature.

Clotted Cream: *nervously* Oh! Marx's been Ink-fracted! Th-That's okay...!

Banban: What... is that?

Clotted Cream: Um, it might be that terrible thing I was talking about earlier when you reach your breaking point...

Banban: HUH?!

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