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"Karina mentioned she's moving tomorrow," Winter shared with her friends, currently huddled in the library, preparing for their upcoming class. "We're facing a bit of a tough situation, and I'm hoping for the best," she sighed.

"Well, Karina will need to find a part-time job," Yujin remarked. "And that's tough, considering she's in nursing, and we all know second-year students have internships," she added.

Winter sighed once again as she checked her phone, hoping for a message from Karina. Karina mentioned fixing things at home since her father had cut her off. It was already lunchtime, and Winter's next class would start in 20 minutes. "Weird," she mumbled. "She usually updates me."


It was Winter's class, and she kept checking her phone for a message from Karina, but there was nothing. Anxiety and worry crept in, making it difficult for her to focus on her professor's lecture about medical terminologies. The class seemed longer than usual.

Winter's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Karina. As soon as the class ended, she hurriedly gathered her belongings. "Chill, Winter. Where are you going?" Ryujin asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Aeri said sarcastically.

"Oh, right. Girl friend." Ryujin chuckled. "Well, go to your girl." she said as Winter only smiled at them as she rushed out and she made her way to the university's main entrance.

When she reached outside, she took a deep breath and tried calling Karina. It went straight to voicemail. The worry in Winter's chest intensified, and she decided to head to Karina's house despite the uncertainty of her whereabouts.

Winter arrived at Karina's house, and her heart sank as she found the place empty. The eerie silence engulfed the surroundings. She tried calling Karina again, but it was futile.

Concerned and growing more anxious by the second, Winter decided to reach out to Karina's friends. She quickly dialed Yeji's number and filled her in on the situation.

"Yeji, it's Winter. Have you seen or heard from Karina? I've been trying to reach her, and she's not at her house," Winter spoke, her voice betraying the worry that gripped her.

Yeji's response was equally uneasy. "No, I haven't. Did something happen?"

Winter explained the situation, her mind racing with possibilities. Yeji promised to check with the others and let Winter know if they had any information. As Winter paced outside Karina's house, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Where are you, Karina.

Winter continued to wait anxiously outside Karina's house, her mind filled with worst-case scenarios. As minutes turned into what felt like hours, Yeji finally called back.

"We've checked with everyone, Winter, and no one knows where Karina is," Yeji said, her tone mirroring Winter's concern.

Panic surged through Winter. She felt a lump forming in her throat. "She told me she'll just... fix her stuff here in her house." she said

"I'm sorry, Winter. We'll still try to find her." Yeji replied.

Winter's thoughts raced. She decided to head back to the university, thinking that maybe she missed something or someone might have information about Karina's whereabouts. As she rushed back to the campus, Winter's mind was a chaotic mess of worry and fear. Where could Karina be, and why wasn't she answering her phone?

Upon reaching the university, Winter approached the familiar spots where she and Karina usually spent time together. She questioned students, asked professors, and checked every possible place. But there was no sign of Karina.

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