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a soulmate — what even is one? does it have to be romantically? or platonically?

as defined by wikipedia, a soulmate is an individual with whom we share an exceptional degree of compatibility, extending to both romantic and platonic relationships.

there's no definitive answer to determining the "one true soulmate," delving into the nuances of deep connections and personal experiences can shed light on this intricate concept.

however, a soulmate connection may be characterized by an immediate, undeniable recognition, a feeling of coming home when in their presence.

in this particular world, the concept of soulmates takes an unconventional form.

instead of relying on intuition or chance encounters, the identity of one's soulmate is revealed by a clock, a manifestation of their destined connection.

upon awakening each morning, every individual finds themselves greeted by a digital display, not just any display, but one that holds the key to their destiny.

it's a clock that ticks relentlessly, counting down the days until they encounter their soulmate, the one person destined to share their life's journey.

the concept of soulmates is not defined by the first person you encounter within a specific timeframe.

instead, it suggests that a transformative event will transpire, etching an indelible mark on your life's tapestry, forever shaping your existence.

from that moment forward, you would carry with you the profound understanding that this person is indeed your soulmate, a bond that will transcend the passage of time and remain etched in your memory as the most cherished moment of your existence.

for instances, a wedding could be a good example.

but who cares about soulmates anyway.

itoshi sae, the well-known football prodigy, has never believed in soulmates and never will.

he believes that a romantic relationship would inevitably hinder his professional aspirations.

he questions the need for a soulmate when he possesses fame and fortune, which he perceives as more fulfilling.

numerous individuals, regardless of gender, are captivated by his charm. he basically knows he's hot.

itoshi sae was a man who had it all: wealth, success, and a life filled with excitement and adventure. he doesn't need those damn soulmates.

the serene stillness of the morning was abruptly shattered by the jarring blare of an alarm clock.

the man, startled from his slumber, groggily reached for the offending device, his eyes widening in disbelief as he took in the sight that greeted him.

instead of the familiar digital display, a large, crimson banner stretched across the screen, bearing the stark message "20-D".

a surge of bewilderment washed over him, for this was no ordinary alarm clock; it was the fabled soulmate timer, a mystical artifact that signaled the imminent arrival of one's destined partner.

a surge of bewilderment washed over him, for this was no ordinary alarm clock; it was the fabled soulmate timer, a mystical artifact that signaled the imminent arrival of one's destined partner

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