2: Guarantor

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"Ahhhh!!! Please!! I beg you please stop, please,please..." I screamed crouched the corner while my mother continued whimpering at the sight of her torn limb,she would soon loose her voice anytime soon,along with her consciousness.That was the first time I had seen so much blood.Even though my Father was a maternity caretaker.

"Mother! get up, we need to run now!!"

Aaron drags me up by my arm attempting to run to safety but not until he had our mother. I stand still there,watching what our attacker kept doing to my father.He didn't stop,even at my tender age of twelve I knew he wouldn't.After my father aimed and shot at its chest it was going after our father with a vengeance that would snuff out the lives of our entire family

   "Jesse please I'm begging you to get up we have to leave!! ..." my brother called out to me,at the same time still trying to break our mother free. I continue looking into my father's now dimmed pupils.His once bright and warm brown eyes that were unlike mine now reflecting a dark ashen colour.Death clouding his features as the large thing that attacked us kept its face in my father's neck.Blood pouring out of the place of contact,coating my father's grey shirt a dark red.

    'what is he doing to father,stop we're sorry,it's my birthday it isn't supposed to be like this,please!'

I keep wailing in my head,not a single thought of escape settling in me.I hear my mother's scream but it seemed far away,I look up and realize I was on my brothers shoulder and her scream a short distance away from where we currently were.
We had left our Mother behind.

   "Mother!!!!!.Stop please,mother!!,no no no please don't harm her!go back,please!!! "

   I was screaming now but it was pointless and I knew it.She would be killed and it was only a matter of time before that beast came for us next.I hadn't even begun to process anything before I was thoughtlessly dropped to the muddy earth

  "Go Jessie,we won't make it out like this"Aaron said his back towards me.He was facing the path to what we were running from.It was confusing.

I couldn't form a word not talk about a whole sentence of why he would foolishly attempt sucide like this.Running away and still ending up killed was one thing,but running towards death,it was downright suicidal.I couldn't say anything though,whether it was because my voice had fled from all the trauma I was experiencing in one night or that I couldn't come up with something that would help us in this situation.
But he did.For me to be the only survivor.


"Go!!!" I flinched at how much he meant what he was doing.He wanted me to run to my own safety forsaking him.I couldn't.

" run and don't you dare stop, do you hear me,now go!!" I'm not able to put in anymore  words of protest as the sounds of growls and fast approaching footsteps reached us. With one look at Aaron taking out his dagger and posing an attacking stance,one of the many techniques he learnt from the training camp close to home.I run.

I remember his blonde unkempt hair flaying around in the night breeze that we once said were the trees singing melodies to us,it didn't seem that way anymore.I remember the warm brown eyes he got from our father shining at me with a smile that even the horrors of the night would never strip away.

'Take care of yourself'

My big brother was just like that.And I remembered,because I would never be able to forget.

I could hear heavy movements of footwork behind me but I shut my senses and continue moving forward.I couldn't hear anything anymore,not the once calming breeze now screaming at me,neither the sounds of my brother fighting for both our lives.I refused to hear any of it,so I blocked everything.

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