5: Savior

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^^^The image above will be my character for Lucius, feel free to use your own character if you wish,enjoy.



That was all I could hear.I could feel darkness all around me and could feel it pushing and strangling me at the same time.Not withstanding the darkness, I stretch my lids and open my eyes despite the stabbing pain it brought upon me. Almost like I was on the verge of the end of my life, I see something.

Gazing my sore eyes at the fields in front of me I could see a field, an outstretch filled with nothing but scented flowers of roses and daffodils flowing in the breeze and I wonder

'Am I in Heaven?'

I almost deem myself correct when looking beyond, I see a woman staring at me.Her  long blonde hair that compared to the colour of honey flew through her slender neck and into the calming breeze, eyes piercing into mine made it clear they were of emerald stones. The bright sun above our heads complimented her golden skin as it shone like she was coated in bronze.I froze looking at her.

She looked like me.

I could feel the darkness again trying to surround me and I resist, not wanting to walk away from the sight of the woman before me, I wanted to talk to her, to know why I felt a bond with her. My struggles become overpowered and the darkness surround me completely, pushing me towards the edge of the fields away from her. With one last glance, I see her smile at me as I go over the edge falling into the darkness once more. I close my eyes and do what I shouldn't have.

I give up, and drown.


Waking up wasn't what I had expected to be happening, but waking up to the sounds of the cackling of flames and the sight of glowing splinters and ashed smoke fading in the air completely caught me unaware. Freeing my eyes from the harsh grip of drowsiness I lift my shoulders from where it was lying rather uncomfortably and sit upright to survey my surroundings.I was in a small room, it was barely a room but that was about the closest word to it. There was  a charcoal pier at the center,most likely to keep the warmth.Nothing else in sight, the room looked worn out like it had been abandoned for a long time.

Looking down I take a long, full view of myself. My current appearance was surely nothing to write home about. My short white dress only reaching to stop above my thighs had been ripped to form slits on the formerly tight ends, coloured patches of brown and red most likely from coming in contact with dirt and blood, no doubt mine. My breasts were on display for whoever brought me here to have seen, the two nipples only barely hidden behind the split fabric that were once firmly in contact until probably hours ago when the duke attempted to defile me just few minutes into gaining possession of me, my leg still a bloody mess. Whoever brought me here clearly wasn't interested enough to tend to my wounds.Speaking of who...

'Who brought me here?'

I move to stand up and leave the room that had started to suffocate me because of the smoke. Minding my leg I slowly turn around to where I could see  the light coming into the room which I took to be my way out. Now fully turned, I raise my head and look ahead to see the entrance but instead see gold lights pierce into me. I halt.

He stood, the man I'd longed to see and admired for seven years, the man that made sure my brother's sacrifice didn't go in vain. I can't see his face clearly because of bright light entering my eyes from where he stood, but I see him make a move to speak

"Don't say it" I interrupt whatever he was about to say, confused at myself for doing that and it seemed that he was too at the deliberate tilt of his head

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