The Demon

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No one's Pov
The group go in to the testing room and wait, but for what none of them know. "OK boys, before we get started you might want to know how to use your magic. I'll give you the short version. When you got your powers a key necklace apeard on your neck and I believe you felt like if you took it off you would die. Any ways grab that key and yell something that feels right."
Then they look at each other and then at there key. "OK, now I'm bored so I might as well tell you. Each one of you has a element power so think back to when you got it and say the word." The voice said angrily. They each yelled out,"fire" "water" "earth" "air" and then started to glow.
Books apeard and there keys turned into wepons. A red sword, a tritant, wooden Hamer and spear with weird symbols. "Good." It Said happily, "from deeps of hell come forth Garon, and protect your master from who dare hunt me!" A big magic purple circle appeard and a giant skeleton monster came up and started attacking the boys and beastly said, "Those who hurt my master shall die!"
The boys had to learn how to use there magic to survive this monster. And this teen was going to kill them if they did not fight back. The fight was long and hard but some how noobies were able to defeat something born to kill.
"We actually killed it." Moss said happily but the voice them told them,"He just has to rest but that Garon is still alive. But he was only a summaned monster so that means you won."
"OK first things first, show your self!" Flame yelled and a hooded figure came into view. But, they could not see what that person looked like.

Flame's Pov
The man has guts but I can't beat him up until he give us the info we want. Before I could ask a question Phoenix asked, "this has been something we've been wondering. What gender ate you?" The hooded boy then looked at us and started to laugh. "I'm a girl and I'm guessing you want prof." Then the person took of its hood and a evil smile was on her face.
She had black hair with a purple streak of hair, and her eyes were a blood red color. And if I had just meet her just then I could say that she was cute.
"Next, why did you show us all a man telling use almost the same thing." I said wanting to know why a girl did that to us. Then her face slanted, " I'm sorry but I had no control oven what you saw during you blacked out. I don't know how to yet."

No one's Pov
"OK then what's your name and power." Pasiden asked. "Well my name is Rubecca, daughter of Dr.Andrew. and two of my powers are life and death, those combin to make my destiny power. And my dad said that's only part of my power." She said with I wide smile. "Well time to go to your new home. Follow me."

OK, ok, breath I know that was probably horable but I tried. So please don't yell I me. to help me comment it really does help. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED.
♡ ♡ ♡ BYE BYE ♡ ♡ ♡

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