Chapter Three

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While she was still busy fixing herself up and waiting on her younger sisters, Zothile became so disillusioned about everything surrounding her. It was as if she was there physically, yet her mind was on another planet, meaning that she zoned out. As soon as both Aphiwe and Nokukhanya were done and yet involved in a screaming match. "I really can't seem to comprehend over the fact that I was the one who has to do most of the household chores and assists Sisi Zozo with some of her chioices while you lay on your back, and do nothing but watch TV.," Aphiwe grated whilst calling out Nokukhanya for her insolence. Then she replied angrily, "Oh, Aphiwe, you know very well that I'm only seven years old. Besides, those exact tasks are way too advanced for me to do, and I'm worried that my little yet  developing  brain is not prepared and ready to deal with huge amounts of analysis and practical illustrations and execution of doing them. Urgh, it'll become so overwhelming and a lot to handle, so do what you're told to do, and we'll be sorted in no times. Nokukhanya asserted in a calm manner while having left Aphiwe sizzling in a fir of rage

Having walked out of the house together and busy waiting for their school transport, this served as the right time for Zothile to keep her younger sisters. "Look, I know it is nor the appropriate time to do this. Nonetheless, I'm going to do it either way. The two of you are forever bickering, like nobody's business, and I do not like it one bit. It's normal for siblings to disagree every now qnd then, and it is no exception in your case. However, it is as if I'm watching an episode of WWE Smackdown, apart from the kickdowns, beat downs, and so forth. You are forever at each other's throats, busy throwing jabs, uppercuts, and insults at one another, dissing each other. It's not good and healthy at all. The two of you need to find a resolution to end this cat-and-dog game of yours because clearly my talking to you won't help one bit. I understand the fact that you are just kids who are still growing and learning more about life around you. However, you are all doing the most and too much out here. I have a lot on my plate at the moment, and the last thing that I need is the both of you bustmy scratching each other's faces and grabbing each other by the hair like tbose reality TV girls do, and most of them endure and go through tons of emotional and psychological trauma and distress. It better be the lady time we have this conversation, do you hea me?" "Yes, sis Zozo, it won't happen again. We'll try our best to find a solution, "Aphiwe and Nokukhanya both responded nervously after the intense tongue lashing they received from Zothile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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