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The story will be in Elore's Pov unless i other wise say so. Let me know what u guys think!


The full moon shone brightly radiating the forest and my paws roughly hit the ground with each step I took. My enhanced senses being able to see every rough edge of the bark and hear every little branch my paws hit as they thudded through the forest. The wind blew through my fur as my unnatural pace fastened. It felt good to be in touch with my inner wolf , I let her take the lead tonight.

I came to a complete stop seeing the water below me . I traced my reflection with my eyes in the crystal clear water. Delightfully my wolf howled , making the resting birds fly away.

My wolf radiated energy , It was a full moon tonight which made us werewolves restless. We had all been on edge this whole week as our wolves felt the full moon coming. With every full moon our senses enhanced more than they already were.

I smiled softly with the pride of being a werewolf , the eerie silence of the forest setting well with me. I knew there were many more wolves out tonight but I had ran farther than any of them just to be at peace.

I began making my way back as my wolf agreed seeing we had a tough day ahead of us, The Black Marks were coming into town tomorrow for a meeting. I scoffed at the thought of them , let's hope this time the Alpha actually shows up. For many meetings the Alpha failed to show up and we'd only get to meet his beta. Although many didn't mind the absence of the Black Marks Alpha since the rumors about him were horrific.

Sighing I picking up my pace , knowing I had to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

I slowed down seeing the Cabin where spare clothes were held for a werewolf to tidy themselves up before making an appearance in front of everyone. In the middle of the room there was a large mirror , I stopped and admired my unique wolf, after all I was a healer. My wolf was white with a black arrow on my back and a heart on my forehead.

A healer was one of the most important aspects in a pack, though it wasn't an easy job being a healer. There weren't a lot of us in this world and each pack only had one , we would only come to use in very dangerous situations. A healer's job was to heal someone injured but faith made us follow the golden rule "In order to get something , you have to give something" so in order for me to heal someone a part of me would be taken , however the taken part of me would heal faster than normal werewolves . Though if I healed to much at once then I'd die. I could only heal physical pain not emotional and there was no way I could change being a healer , I was born a healer.

With my snout , I pushed down a pair of black silk shorts and matching tank top. Shifting I quickly picked up the clothes and changed glancing at my reflection once again. In human form , I wasn't anything special I had black hair that reached my waist and a mix of green and gray eyes with plump lips. I wasn't really short but I wasn't on the tall side either and my curves weren't the biggest but they were there.


"ELORE!" A screeching scream repeated my name , but my feet wouldn't stop I kept running too scared to look behind.

My feet felt sore from the running I had been doing, I felt if I didn't stop any moment now the air would escape the lungs and my legs would give out.

That's until a bloody scream escaped my own lips as I set foot on bed of thorns. A mesmerizing laugh sounded behind me and I slowly turned around as my feet seeped in my blood.

" Where will you run now ha!?" He screeched. His voice sent chills up and down my back making my blood go cold.

"Do you just want me to kill you?" He said , eyes wide.

Suddenly he jumped making me take a step back but I regretted it as the thorns sunk into skin of my foot causing me to bleed more and more. I clenched my hands and gritted my teeth hoping no sound escaped my mouth.

"You know what Little Elore needs , She needs me to tell her stories about that night while I rip her pretty skin apart slicing it piece by piece" He grinned a toothy grin making the color from my face drain.

That's when I felt everything in me break and I screamed in agony "Noo!!!!!!!!"

The sound of beeping woke me up from my nightmare as I soaked the sheets with my sweaty body and panting heavily I proceed to the bathroom.

Once I stepped out of the shower I decide to head straight to the gym. I spotted the pack gym I let out a sigh of relief seeing it was empty as it was six in the morning.

I rushed to the punching bag , I tuned up my music and thrusted each fist towards the punching bag letting my anger seep through it.

I heard a chuckle above my music and quickly turned around, relief flooded through me as I saw it was only Brody. He was the trainer of our pack and to say he was the best was the very least.

"You know , If I didn't know you any better I'd say you were planning to kill someone" Brody said.

I laughed , "Now Brody , I wouldn't hurt even a fly literally , unless it was for this pack and you know that"

"Oh yeah I remember when you didn't let me kill that annoying bee in the game room cause It didn't cause any harm to us' He scoffed

"Aww I'm sorry. Was Brody afraid of a little bee?" I mockingly pouted

"Ha as if" He said flicking me on the head.

Brody was like a brother to me since the first day we met. He practically taught me everything I know about fighting, He was hard on me at first but it was for my own good and I'm glad he was. Just because I didn't actually hurt anyone without a reason didn't mean I couldn't break a bone or two.

"Hey , Shouldn't you be getting ready and help the pack prepare for the Black Marks tonight?" He said tossing me a towel.

"Yeah I'll be going for now then bye"


After some breakfast , I headed to the meeting room in the pack house. As I entered the room the men rose as the Alpha stayed seated.

"Good Morning Alpha Tyler and Guys" I said bowing my head as the pack and Alpha returned the gesture.

" Sit down Elore , We still have some time until the Black marks show up and we would like to discuss a few things" I nodded my head at him sitting down.

" As I was saying , There's a rumor in town that the Alpha will show up to today's meeting this is why we've worked harder to make sure everything is place. Now I know that we've all about the rumors but don't be frightened by them just think of this as any other meeting. After all the rumors may or may not be true but no matter what we can't show our fear and back down."

Many bowed their heads and whispered a few yes's however noisy Nate had to interrupt , He always had something to say and honestly his big mouth would get him in trouble someday.

I sighed rubbing my temples as he spoke up. "But Alpha Tyler he's one of the strongest Alpha with all means respect , I do believe those rumors are true"

At this I shot up and looked over to the Alpha for permission to speak up which he granted.

"Nate do you believe everything you hear? He may be the strongest Alpha on this planet but we only bow down to our Alpha, Don't let rumors faze you and I'd recommend that throughout the meeting you'll keep your mouth shut" I finished smirking as the Alpha and some others chuckled.

Nate's cheeks turned a deep shade of red and he looked away leaving no space for another argument.

Now all we had to do is wait for the Almighty Alpha they speak about , I thought.


Thank you for reading , 


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