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I paced around my room worry and nervousness filling my nerves. Questions swarmed in my head , What would happen now? Are all those rumors about Aiden true?

Just then a knock sounded at my room startling me , I collected myself and breathed in and out heading to the door to open it.

" Good afternoon Ms. Moore , Sorry to disturb you but Alpha Taylor has been wondering where you were and he's asked for your presence in the meeting room" The guard spoke his voice never faltering.

" Okay , I'll be there in five minutes. Thank you." I replied mentally face palming myself.

I hadn't thought about anything when I left the room hours ago trying to calm myself. Despite my anxiety I had to go back to the meeting room since I never missed a meeting and questions would arise if I didn't go.

Tugging off my heavy sweater I pulled on a tank top with a light hoodie and headed out the door.

I put on a blank facade heading to the meeting room , where I was met with the eyes of my Alpha and Aiden. Worry spiked in me , Had Aiden already told my Alpha that we were mates?!

Alpha Taylor gestured for me to come over,

"Elore are you alright? You disappeared during the meeting." Worry laced my Alpha's voice and relief flooded through me.

"Yes Alpha , I apologize for leaving I just had a little headache" I said which caused Alpha Taylor to smile and nod.

The whole time Aiden didn't even look at me and he hadn't said a word which made my wolf feel on edge. But my body felt like it was on fire , he looked mouth watering with his arms crossed making his muscles ripple through the thin satin cloth.

I headed back to my room and filled myself a glass of water gulping it down which burned my throat but I suddenly felt to exhausted to think especially after everything that happened today so I let darkness consume me into sleep.


My body shoots up due to the loud piercing screams filling the eerie night , I look around the room confusing flooding through me as my feet hit the white silky carpet.

I try mind linking my pack but I fail to do so, feeling a giant wall built around the mind-link.

I quickly pull on my worn out converse heading straight out the door . Where I find complete utter chaos, my breath get's caught in my throat as I look around.

All I see is burning flames and lifeless bodies as mother's wail trying to find an escape for their injured children. I smell the rotting bodies of the now dead guards. Tears of sadness and fury fill my gray eyes threatening to spill but I need to find out who did this and that's when my eyes spot Aiden's guard killing a hopeless child and everything clicks.

Alpha Aiden is burning down and killing my pack. At that adhlerine pumps through my veins and I see red.

I can't let my pack die , with that determination I run towards the chaos shifting into my white wolf the only sound filling my ears is the ripping of my clothes.

I rip away the guard from now soulless body of the child he moments ago ripped apart. My claws reach out scratching his face as I bare my teeth out ready to bite.

My wolf flies through the air chucking away at the guards neck the irony test of blood filling my mouth and I spit out in disgust.

I run through the forest clawing at everything and anything trying to kill my pack. I spot Brody struggling to fight off one of Aiden's people and my head lowers as I sprint towards the scene pouncing on the body holding it down as Brody creates a slash through his body.

"Elore , you're still alive" Brody's eyes widen in surprise and I nod my head.

He runs towards me opening his arms to embrace me in a hug but we quickly pull away knowing me have to prevent our pack from being slaughtered by my monster of a mate.

I can't let my pack get ripped away from my grasp but suddenly the crumbling of leaves makes Brody's and I's head snap.

There stood Aiden with a sly smirk as I growled and all thinking flew out the window. All I could see was red as I jumped in the air towards my mate in an attempt to hurt him even though I was aware that any pain to him would cause the same suffering to me.

But Aiden was stronger as he grasped me not even being affected as my nails dug into his skin. I looked into his dull cold eyes as he told his guards to hold me and Brody down.

"Elore" His velvety voice spoke out and even at this sickening event I felt something in me flutter.

"Shift" He said to me using his Alpha tone forcing my body to follow his orders.

Taking the black shirt from his grasp I went behind a tree and shifted slipping on the soft material on me. The sweet scent of my mate filling me making me aware I was wearing his shirt.

As I stepped out from the tree I once again attempted to claw at him but his Beta was stronger and held me down.

"You monster!" I screamed causing my voice to crack as I struggled in his Beta's grasp.

"Now that's no way to talk to your mate" He said turning his head into a lopsided grin.

" And just for that your friend here is gonna suffer" He turned towards Brody as my eyes widened.

He commanded his guards in Latin

"Collum disrumpam"

"No!" I wailed in the Beta's arms and just like that Brody fell limbless.

Aiden walked over to me looking sinfully stunning, how could such a beautiful man be so monstrous.

" Now my little mate let me explain , Your dear Alpha wasn't who he said he was and therefore I had to end his pathetic pack but that's none of your concern" He chuckled darkly.

"You bloody monster! , My pack is my concern. " I trashed around trying to break from the Beta's grip.

"Don't try anything love , haven't you seen what happened to your dear friend." He stated which caused me to burn with anger and I unthinkably shot my leg out in attempt to kick him.

Of course  his reflex's were faster as he caught my leg in a painful grasp causing it to bruise.

" Do.Not. Try. Anything." He spat as he pulled out a needle and injected me with wolfs bane causing darkness to overcome me.

Thank you for reading. Vote and comment

Also I want feedback if I should continue with story therefore I won't be updating until 50 votes and 10 comments.

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