19.The grim reaper Tony 2

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Stephen's hands shook. When they did it meant he was anxious. And when he's anxious his work is sloppy. And his work is sloppy.

" FUCK!"

Stephen stabbed the women beneath him in the eye. He huffed in frustration as he got up yanking the knife out her eye. The eye detached from her head. He couldn't salvage the body anymore, so in fit of rage he stabbed the head rapidly until it was bloody mush with holes. This made the eight kill, an awful kill. Two weeks and the reaper never came. Stephen hated it, he needed to see Tony again.

Where are you where are you where are you where ar

Stephen wasn't sure why the reaper hasn't appeared. Tony came because he liked Stephen. He like the presents upon each visit. Whatever the reason, he will bring Tony back. Stephen took time not killing, if he did anymore he surely be caught. Getting caught meant he could no longer see Tony again. If he died his soul be reborn. Only time would tell he face death itself again, a risk Stephen didn't dare take. Stephen sighed as he left the basement. He'll clean the mess later. What he needed was a drink and some tv to numb his brain for a while.

" In other news, more dead bodies have been found most recently in parking lot . Detective Rogers do you have any ideas who would do such terrible thing?"

" Someone that only cares about themselves and seeking attention. Me and my team are still on case. So if you have any leads please contact-"

Stephen paused the tv. His heart broke of what he witnessed. " Tony why,," He whispered seeing the reaper standing behind the detective. Tony found another killer he found Stephen boring. He didn't have use for Stephen anymore. Stephen hand shook in a his rage boiled. He screamed punching the tv screen dead center on the detective's face. How dare that man got between Stephen and HIS reaper.

He's mine. I'll kill you I'll kill you I'll kill you!


Steve whistled as he dismembered the body. He made sure each piece was spread out but close enough to put together. A fun scavenger hunt at the park. He'll be next Zodiac killer- better than him! And nobody will never know. Steve laughed wondering if he should seen some bullshit riddle, have everyone and their mother try solve it.

" I know what you're doing..."

Steve frozen hearing a voice. He looked up seeing a man standing by severed limb. His hair a mess, clothes not tidy at all, unhinged. Steve ignored him passing him off as some drunk. " You're not good enough, you'll never be good enough." The man continued walking closer to Steve. His blue eyes stared darkly at the scattered body parts.

" You think this will get his attention? Killings are meant to be intimate to showcase your love and devotion. They are not some fucking watch you show off to posers!"

Steve glared at the man. He didn't know what hell he was rambling about. " Listen buddy, you're drunk. Go home and this all be shitty hangover." Steve chuckled and the man pulled out a scalpel from his pocket. A light bulb flashed and Steve smiled darkly. " Careful now, kill a cop you'll be given the death penalty." Steve warned drawing his butcher knife. " He's not yours. The likes of you will never be his!" The man growled stepping closer. " What fuck are you talking about!? DIE!" Steve yelled charging at the man. He tripped over the cut limb. Steve spotted the man was gone, he refused let the fucker get away that easy.

" Hey pal, I killed your ex or something? You one of those fruits at that gay club? "

Steve listened for any footsteps. " Yeah a bet it was the cute fella. Nice mouth, best blowjob I've had almost good as a woman." Steve snickered walking pass some bushes. " Fuck his brains out too, and then shot them out afterwards. Feel bad for you buddy." Steve took a turn hearing faint foot steps. " The faces he made. Seems he like my cock over your pathetic a-" Steve coughed feeling tight sting in his lung. He looked down seeing sharp blade poking out of him. The blade retracted as he dropped to his knees. " How dare you defile what's mine!" Steve covered his face as the blade went into his hand slashing piece of his nose. Steve gave a gurgled scream as the man stabbed him with fury. His vision gave out and he could ear his heart beat slow down. To think the person he killed dated some bastard crazier than him,,,


Stephen finally stopped, only because his arm grew tired along with his leg. After stabbing the body far too many times to count. Stephen began stomping the corpse with his foot. So hard he crushed the skull causing face caved in. Stephen dropped to his knees exhausted

" You need me...please don't leave me.."

" Leave you? Like some stray dog, I would never~"

Stephen eyes widen as Tony stepped out of his black cloud with his usual pretty smile. " Good E-" Stephen didn't let Tony finish already grabbing the reaper kissing him. He missed kissing Tony so much, his lip, tongue, teeth, he missed it all. Stephen pulled away as tears rolled down his blood smeared face. " P-please don't leave me again! See I'm better than him, better than all of them!" Stephen plead hugging Tony. " Oh Stephen." Tony cupped his face rubbing his damp cheeks. " As if someone could replace you~" Tony kissed Stephen roughly even biting his tongue. Stephen whimpered trying deepen the kiss so it last longer. " You mean it?" Stephen dazed rubbing against Tony like dog in heat. "Cross my heart and hope to live~ Now..." Tony unbuttoned Stephen's stained shirt smiling at the scar he left behind. " Paint me in red."

Tony was bored of Stephen's gifts. He wasn't worth the visits. When he saw new bodies appearing but detective no less that sparked his interest. Tony planned on introducing himself to the now butchered man however what he got was much much better. He always preferred surprises. Seeing Stephen kill another murder over pure jealously excited Tony. Watching the insane doctor grow mad at thought being tossed aside was kind of entertainment Tony needed. The perfect spice in their soon to be bland partnership. It showed how Stephen fucked the reaper on top of the corpse like some feral animal. He loved it. Tony figured he pick another killer, someone bigger and stronger than Stephen. Battle of life and death for death itself. Tony knew another fellow killing by the thousands just to get a mere glimpse of his presence. He'll save that idea for later. For now he wanted Stephen to ravage him.

Like the good pet he is

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