Chapter 35

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"I am thinking," begins Eliza as she breaks off some muffin and pops it in her mouth. I watch as she chews then swallows it. I sip on my coffee from the mug in my hands, all too aware of the closeness of Logan. It's intense. The sooner he starts the shift turns the better. Although, I am bewildered that I am feeling this pull towards him.

"You," she points at me, "and Logan can manage the cake stall together." I almost spurt my coffee out, Eliza wipes her hands on the red napkin on her lap, looking quite pleased with herself. What is she up to?

"Ooo, I think that sounds perfect." Sadie adds with a mischievous look 0n her face.

"I am sure I can manage a cake stall on my own." I blurt out.

"Nonsense, it'll take two of you. Trust me, Sage we get a lot of people who come to the fundraiser each year. It's a big thing here in Willowbrook, folk from all over come here and some of their kids play in the baseball team. Most of them arrive from Lewisburg, Hot Springs, Snowshoe, Summersville, Fayetteville, Oak Hill and Beckley." My eyebrows shoot up.

"Seriously? They're not all that close some of them."

"Oh, for sure, honey. It's a big event. We put on a band in fact, Logan you are playing this year at some point, right?" He nods.

"Absolutely, wouldn't miss it." He stretches his long, muscular arm across the back of the sofa. His fingers long and my filthy mind wanders to what they'd feel like sliding in and out of me. I squeeze my legs together, of course I already know how they'd feel. Too damn fucking good. I can feel myself blushing. Good Lord.

"That means then, you can't man a cake stall with me too. Sorted. Sadie can jump on if I get swamped."

"Of course I can. I'll be playing band after four when the stalls are beginning to wrap up and after we've had the parade." He says. Of course he would be.

"I'll be too busy with my craft stall." Sadie adds to the conversation.

"Wow, crafts what sort of things do you make?" I didn't figure Sadie for a crafting person.

"Patchwork quilts, cushions, macramé, picture frames. You name I make it. In fact I have an Etsy shop. I'll ping you the link for when you get a place here in Willowbrook." I'm not inclined to spit coffee out but with her comments about staying, renders another mouthful dangerously close to being spurted over myself.

I hear Logan chuckling and give him a sideways glare, narrowing my eyes. He holds his hands up in front of him in a Whaaaat kind of fashion.

"That sounds amazing, Sadie. Definitely send me the link and I'll take a look. Only it'll be gifts for my mom mainly since I have no intention of staying here in Willowbrook. This is just temporary."

She smiles, "we'll see. Only you know most folk that come here never leave, right?"

"So I keep being told. I used to live here and I managed to leave just fine. Right, I better get back to my patients."

"You don't have another patient for another hour. This isn't City State." Logan says with a grin across his face. "Just saying." I glare at him.

"Say, why don't we all meet up at Bluebell's later this evening go over more of the plans for the fundraiser?" Eliza asks. Don't these people have homes and families to go home to? I mean, don't get me wrong I love a good fundraiser and event as much as the next person, I grew up with them living here in a small town, but right now, I really need to try and keep my distance from Logan.

Aside from any traitorous happenings with my body and the way it's reacting to him, I have to consider that I will be leaving Willowbrook. There is no room for a new relationship in my life right now, not when I am going to move on again. Once was bad enough, the pain and hurt we went through, Miles leaving me is still raw. Why do I even want to entertain getting close to anyone again?

I mean, I could start to drop the bitch attitude. It was a decade ago, and Logan is trying that is when he's not damn well winking at me and causing me have palpitations, racing heart rate and swelling in my clit.

But.... Can I be friends again with Logan or will it get out of hand and I'll be back to where I was ten years ago?  

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now