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"I am here to propose a marriage arrangement to the emperor, you highnesses"

This surprised everyone, even the maids around were surprised. Who would be shameless enough to ask this to the emperor. Sidhi looked down at her lap, feeling a strange pain in her heart 'Yeah, she would be a better match for the emperor' she thought. The emperor noticed that she was being too quiet so he spoke;

"What could I possibly gain from this god-damned proposal of yours?" he asked as if he wasn't pleased with whatever was happening right now "And why the f-ck are you here? You should've waited for your parents to be available and came here together" he said still looking at the lady and still looking irritated "That way we don't have to send your head back to your home" he commented, his deadly eyes glaring at her, staring at the lady's poor soul. Sidhi was surprised, how could he just say that? But she remembered, this is how the emperor usually is; ruthless, merciless and doesn't have a lot of patience and conscience.

She was terrified at the thought of him actually taking her head so she tried calming him down "Y-your majesty, perhaps we could hear her reason. Let's not... rely on violence, my emperor.." Sidhi told him and rubbed his arm to try and soothe his nerves and calm him down and to everyone's surprise, Sidhi's actions seemed to work because the emperor was starting to calm down, his body relaxed and his previously irritated face was gone as he stared adoringly at Sidhi before turning to Lady Lanaya, expression turning displeased and spoke "I will not accept anything anyone decides, not even my parents can force me to marry anyone so I will not" the emperor sighed before continuing "I alone will choose who I will marry, you do not get to decide that, only I do," with that, the emperor left while dragging her wrist and pulling her with him, their destination, his room.

A/n: I apologize for the late and short update, I will make the next one longer, I was kinda busy with research these past few days along with our wifi being cut😭 anyway- hope you enjoyed reading!

One Night with the Emperor || Royalty Series #1 ||Where stories live. Discover now