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... Tula followed kanan back to the cockpit, everyone looking at her as she entered Zeb swallowing nervously. Hera looked at the Bridger sibling.

"I'm sorry your brother was captured."

Tula shrugged' It's alright Ezra has a tendency of getting himself in trouble."She smirked.'"I promiseit won't be hard to find him. The empire have no idea what they got themselves into taking him",she put her hands on her hips." Now how did he get caught?"

All at once everyone pointed at Zeb Tula turned glaring at him reaching over she grabber his ear und yanked making him cry out.


She let go and crossed her arms. " That's for leaving my brother behind," turning her attention to Hera she leaned against her seat. "Will the empire not be able to identify the ship when we arrive?"

"No The Ghost can scramble it's signature so we will be temporarily invisible to them", she pushed a few buttons." We are about to come out of hyperspace get ready."

Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb moved to the door getting ready Tula coming to join them. kanan looked at her." it would be best if you stay on the ship."

"This is my brother!"

"We don't need you getting shot again."

Tula frowned."I was saving your ass. "she pulled out her blaster, "But if it makes it easier to get my brother I'll be coverfire."

When the ship landed the ramp lowered.Tula stood with her blaster ready as the others ran off. As her eyes saw one of the TIE's she grabbed a detonator and fixing it to the ship. Seeing the other's running for the ship.Seeing they were being followed she began to fire back letting the others get onboard. As she moved to the ship Agent Kallus grabbed her.

"Karabast not again!"

Tula smirked grabbing kallus's arms dinging her fingers into the pressure points making his grip loosen, then tilting her head she kicked her leg straight up her foot going over her head kicking him in the face.when he let her go she jumped onto the ramp. As she turned to return fire manan grabbed her shoulder pulling her inside as the ramp close. Seeing Sabine with a control Tula smiled, as her own bombed joined the others.

Sabine and kanan looked at her."what they can go with one less ship."She turned taking her brother's shoulders walking up to the cockpit.

"Welcome aboard. Again'"

Erra rubbed his neck." thanks, thank you."He crossed his arms."I really didn't think you'd come back for me. I mean I knew my sister would but..."

"I'll get you home now.I'm sure your guys parents must be worried sick."

Ezra leaned into Tula who wrapped her arm around him. "We don't have parents."

Tula moved to one of the seats as Kanan and Sabine walked in.

"and you've got somewhere else to be.I know where they're really taking the Wookies." when they ignored him Tula kicked Kanan's chair making him look back, "have you heard of the spice mines of kessel?"

That seemed to have gotten the others attention Sabine turned, "slaves sent there last a few months, maybe a year."

"And for Wookiees born in the forest it's a death sentence."

Ezra leaned against tula'S chair looking at his sister who smiled at the group." Then I guess we'd better go save 'em."

Her brother nodded."We've come this far. Might as well finish the job."

Hera turned to the front." setting course for kessel."

As they entered hyperspace erra turned to his sister." Tula can we talk alone."

Before Tula can answer Kanan spoke up."Use the second room on the left."

They walked off into the room closing the door."What's wrong Ezra?"

Ezra rubbed the back of his neck a moment."Tula I think Karan is a Jedi."

Tula froze "Why would you think that?"

"He hasa light saber and one of those holocron things."

"How do you know it is a Jedi holocron?"

Ezra pulled it from his pocket and Tula saw it had been opened." You opened it?"

"I don't know how I did it."

"You used the force.Ezra your my brother there was a chance of you being the same as me."

"Just like you said sis, you are not alone."

Tula thought about it a moment beforeturning to the door. "We will find out soon enough, let's get out there and help save these Wookiees'"

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