Chapter 9 {The Next Morning}

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Also for those of you who don't know, I wrote a smut before this but deleted it so yeeaaaaaaahh

I didn't feel comfortable with it there

I woke up, immediately remembering what went down last night. Nightmare was already awake and dressed.

"Good morning," he said. Part of me wondered if he even remembered what happened. He sounded so calm.

"G-good morning," I said.

"I, uh, kinda planned something," Nightmare said.

"What was it?"

"Well, I planned to go to a Waffle House with you and Error to... talk about some things."

"OOOOOH WAFFLE HOUSE!!! WHEN ARE WE GOING!?" I shouted excitedly.

"Whenever you and Error are ready," Nightmare said.

"Alright!!" I said, jumping out of the bed to get ready. WAFFLE HOUSE!!


At Waffle House, Nightmare sat in between Error and I. Error. I thought about the time I saw them kiss. Did that even happen? Was I dreaming?

"I don't even know... how to put this..." Nightmare said, looking at the wall. "And I'd understand if you didn't feel the same... I've been a jackass."

"Really? When?" I asked. Maybe I forgot.

"Ink, I forced you into marrying me. How did you forget that?"

"I almost forgot that I cheated on you with Error," I said without thinking. Error's face lit up with blush.

"Riiiiight... I... how do I put this..." Nightmare said, making me even more curious about what he was gonna say.

"Just say it," Error mumbled.

"I love both of you," Nightmare whispered, putting his head down on the table.

"HE'S GAY!?" I exclaimed, forgetting that we were in public.

"Ink, how stupid are you?" Error asked.

"I'm not stupid!" I grumbled.

"Are we just gonna forget about Nightmare?" Error asked.

"Oh! Right!" I said. I grabbed Nightmare's hand. "Nightmare, I love you, too. A-and I also... love Error." I glanced over at Error, waiting for him to say something.

"Yeah, I... love you guys, too," Error grumbled.

"Oh, is it that hard to say 'I love you'?" I teased.

"Shut up, Squidiot."

Nightmare looked up. "You two... aren't just saying that, right?"

"No!" I said confidently.

Nightmare smiled. I smiled back. I stared at Error until he smiled. Then a waiter came and gave us our food.

"WAFFLES!!" I shouted, once again forgetting that we were in public. Waffles are amazing.


After Waffle House, I dragged Nightmare and Error to Nightmare's room and forced them to play a board game with me. Error called it a "bored game."

We played Sorry (my girlfriend chose the game). Nightmare was blue, Error was red, and I was yellow. I flipped over the first card. It was a ten. I was close to the corner. Not like that meant anything, nobody here had the fire token on.

"Beat that," I said.

Error got a seven. He moved forward six, leading him to a slide, with one pawn and one with another. "I could make an argument that I just did."

Nightmare got a three.

"Daaaaang," I said. "That sucks."

"Can it, Squid," Nightmare said, affectionately noogying me.

I flipped over the next card, and I got... a three, leading me to a slide.

"How does THAT feel?" Nightmare asked.

"Can it!"

Error flipped over his second card, getting a ten. He moved forward the spawn he'd moved six spaces previously. "Beat that, Squid."

Nightmare also got a ten. Leading him to a slide.

After several rounds, Nightmare got two of his pawns in and his third one was almost in.

Error was about to get his second pawn in, but when he got a Sorry!, swapped places with Nightmare instead of going forward.

"Fuck," Nightmare said, staring down Error.

"Oh well," Error said.

Nightmare got a three. It didn't do much.

I flipped over my card, getting a one. Feeling like being a jackass, I froze Nightmare. "Sorry, not sorry."

It was a few rounds before Nightmare finally got a one and froze me.


"Whatever," I said, crossing my arms.

Error's card was a Sorry!, and he swapped with Nightmare. Error was now close to his own home, and Nightmare was at the green home.

The next few rounds were full of Nightmare torture. One of us would get a Sorry! or an 11 and swap with Nightmare, even if it didn't benefit us, or we'd get a one and freeze Nightmare.

Unfortunately for us, he was 11 spaces away from the first part of his safe zone one round. Error and I didn't get any cards to intervene. Nightmare got lucky, getting the very card he needed. He hadn't won yet, though.

Nightmare's next turn didn't require him to back up. He got lucky AGAIN and got a FIVE, THE EXACT NUMBER HE NEEDED TO WIN. "Oops, looks like I won."

"I will smack that smug grin off your face!" I said.

"You're just jealous," Nightmare teased.




"Yes, you are."


"You are."


"You're not."

"I am!"

"So you admit it."

"What do you mean? Wait... FUCK! I'm NOT JEALOUS!!" I declared, crossing my arms and turning away from Nightmare.

"Whatever. I still won," Nightmare said, kissing the top of my head and smirking.

"Barely," Error mumbled.

wowza i hope that wasn't as bad as i think it is :,D

A Story of Tragedy and Love {Errorinkmare}Where stories live. Discover now