Trapped By Hunters

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Shadow Tackled Maddy, the Hunter was watching from the safety of his cars. A Hunter points his gun at them and shot them with a tranquilizers both Maddy and Shadow went down, and the hunter got their car to check that they were out cold.  the hunter put's them both in the cage in the truck, the hunter puts something over the cage so people wouldn't see what he has. Fang heard the gun shot and ran in that direction, Jayson heard it too and saw the bird leave from that way so he went that way.  when they both got there the truck had already left.

Fang: " what are you doing here?".

Jayson: " I heard a loud noise".

Fang: " and you decide to follow it?".

Jayson: " you did the same".

Fang: " whatever the car ain't here anymore". Fang didn't want to tell him that he could hear the truck moving or smell it. Jayson looked down and saw tracks he followed the track and Fang followed him. 

Fang: " do you even know where you're going?".

Jayson: " following the truck's tracks".

The truck came to a stop and Fang and Jayson Hide in the forest, the hunter went into the shop and well the man was busy Jayson and Fang came up with a plan.

Jayson: " how do you know those animals are still alive?".

Fang: " you didn't see blood on the ground did you?".

Jayson: " well that man will be back and drive off so what should we do".

Fang went up to the back of the truck and removed the blanket the hunter put over the cage and there was two wolves awake in the cage, Jayson looked at them in shocked.

Jayson: " I didn't think there was anymore wolves in these parts".

Fang: " we have to free them". Fang messed with the lock but nothing worked and the hunter left the store and saw them and shouted at them, they both went back into the woods.

Fang: " we have to get them out of there".

Jayson: " you're right, and we will".

Fang: " yeah".

The hunter started his car again and drove off Jayson followed the cars tracks and Fang followed behind then disappeared, The car tried to break but it turned into a tree and the hunter hit its head on. Jayson got there and saw a wolf standing in the middle of the road, it went off into the woods after seeing Jayson and Jayson went to see if the driver was okay after he saw he was okay he took the hunters keys and freed the wolves and they ran back into the wild. Fang jumped on the roof of the truck then jumped down and hugged Jayson.

Fang: " you freed the wolves and now they can live freely in the wild".

Jayson: " Well of course this is there home, they shouldn't be stuffed or locked in cages".

Fang: " yeah you're right about that, Thank you". 

Jayson: " do you need to be fixed?".

Fang: " what?".

Jayson: " well your friend he said you weren't feeling well and that I need to fix you but you seem perfectly fine to me".

Fang laughed and put his arms around Jayson and they both started to walk back together, Shadow and Maddy watched in wolf form then went deeper in the forest and transformed into humans.

Maddy: " who would have thought that those too would be close friends".

Shadow: " hey does your pack have Bella?".

Maddy: " Yes, she apart of our pack, she is a wolf blood after all".

Shadow: yeah, send her back home".

Maddy: " what?!, are you crazy".

Shadow: " she doesn't belong with you're kinda".

Maddy: " My kind, you mean wolf blood kind well guess what I'm a wolf blood and a wild one at that, and Bella is apart of my pack, so leave us alone".

Shadow: " No I can't do that, because her rightful place is with us not you, her pack in mine she belongs with her family".

Maddy: " don't make me laugh what does your pack know about family, she stays with us".

Shadow: " my pack my family wants their missing pup back and if we have to kill your pack to get her we will".

Maddy: " oh yeah well we are ready for your war".

Megara and her pack arrives where Maddy is and they see Shadow and the pack starts growling at him, he stand tall and growls back. Bella watches the events not knowing what to do.

Shadow: " Bella belongs with us".

Megara: " she is apart of my pack so she doesn't belong to you anymore".

Shadow: " the only way she can join your pack is if she leaves ours and she hasn't done so".

Megara: " her mother left your pack so basically so did she".

Shadow: " sure but you know it doesn't work like that when it comes to pack leaders cubs".

Megara looks at Bella in shock and rage, then at Maddy but Bella nor Maddy knew of this information.

Megara: " you brought the daughter of rival to our pack?!".

Maddy: " I didn't know".

Megara: " and you tried to trick us!".

Bella: " Noooo, I won't do that".

Megara: " Bella you are here by band from our pack for the act of betrayal and lies, now kill her".

Bella looks at the pack and backs up as they draw closer, she goes to run but they were surrounding her Bella didn't know what to do. Maddy watched her friend and tried to talk Megara out of her decision, Shadow jumps into the circle inches wolf form and the pack starts attacking him. Bella tries to get them off him but she too was no match,  The Pack wolves has them pinned down and Megara walks up to Bella.

Megara: " you should have never been born". She goes to bite Bella neck but Blood jumps out of the brush and his jaw claps around Megara neck and he brings her down away form Bella, Leah tackles Saba and the war begins. Megara scratches blood eye and Blood bites her upper jaw, Bella and Maddy stepped back and they bump into each other.

Bella: "I'm sorry I didn't know".

Maddy: " how could you know, you lived as a human and I'm sorry too".

Bella: " why are you sorry?".

Maddy: "for my pack trying to kill you, are my friend Bella".

Yana heard what Maddy said and she tackled Bella and they went down a small cliff on to the road, the pack stopped and looked down saw them but packs we're worried about they're cubs. there was no way for them to get down there, Yana got up and glared at Bella.

Yana: " you ruin everything, my friend my pack mother is right you should have never been born!".

Yana runs too Bella but Bella rolls out the way and gets up ' I don't want to fight you Yana' Bella said. Yana wasn't giving up she was in the middle of the road, a car was coming to her and Bella told her to get out of the way but Yana didn't wait to listen to her. That when Yana seen it the car was coming through her she couldn't move, Bella looked at the car then at Yana. Bella ran too Yana and Tackled her out of the way , Bella Looked at the car that was still driving away.

Bella: " It's a good thing all of us are in wolf form". She got off of Yana and transformed into human and both packs did the same, Bella held out her hand for Yana and she looked at it then at Bella and Yana grabbed her hand and Bella helped her up. Bella looked up at both packs and smiled then at Maddy then at Yana and let go of her Hand.

Bella: " I want to go Home now". She started climbing up the cliff with Yana and the Pack helps them up and they all went home.

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