Chapter 48

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Realization engulfed her. It lashed through her as the memory flooded her veins. Her heart was so full of love and agony with it that she nearly buckled over. She backed farther away, suddenly aware that she was falling for her protector even after his denial of her. That he was what Adelaide had said... bound to her. She loved him... My God she loved him. A single warm tear formed in the corner of her eye then, and she cried out with laughter and shock with it. How could she feel something so soon for someone, her mind wondered.

"Wait," Nick grabbed her arm, jerking her back.

"Ouch," Temperance replied, feeling his hand circling hard around her wrist.

"Don't go, baby," his voice attempting to convince her. He leaned in, grabbing the bulk of her hair in a firm hold, moving in to kiss her.

That was all it took for Roman to become an enraged animal.

He got to Temperance quickly, catching Nick by surprise.

"You need to leave," Roman commanded pushing him back, now standing between him and Temperance.

Temperance was shocked that he was here again, but grateful as hell.

"You again," he fired, his stance on an immediate defense. He was about to brawl. But Roman didn't give him a chance.

He pushed his chest harder again, causing Nick to fall backward.

Temperance jumped back, shocked.

Nick didn't retreat, but lunged at Roman, but Roman was too quick for him, and dealt out a punch so hard it knocked him down.

He clinched his fist, standing over him, while Nick cupped his now bleeding nose, looking up at him from the concrete.

"Let's go," Roman said through clenched teeth, taking Temperance's hand in his, walking briskly away.

"Okay," Temperance said lightly, an emotional mess now. She looked back at Nick who was still babying his wound and pride.

"Where is Violet?" Roman asked, his hand still entwined with hers, nearing Ringers.

"There she is," Temperance pointed over to the entrance of the bar. Violet was clutching her purse tightly, looking both worried and annoyed. Lance still stood next to her, looking a little lost.

"Hey buddy, your friend may need your help," Roman said coolly, taking Violet by the hand then. Without another word, both Temperance and Violet were being escorted away from Royal Street, clearly heading for home.

The ten-minute walk there was done in silence. Even the girls didn't dare to speak. Roman's head was on a constant swivel, looking behind them, side to side, and rapidly picking up the pace as if hell were on his heels.

"Thanks Roman," Violet said, as he walked her to her front porch and saw that she was safely inside.

He nodded, issuing a curt. "You're welcome."

"Temp, I will be at your place at ten. Church starts promptly at eleven o'clock," she reminded as she closed her front door.

"I can take it from here," Temperance said, already walking over to her house.

"Can you?" Roman inquired.

Temperance stopped and turned, an awareness that something was amiss.

"Yes, indeed I can." She nodded to her house. "I'm going home."

"You're trouble, and you clouded my judgment tonight."

She stopped and turned, scowling at him. "How so?"

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