Chapter 18

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"So, let's just strip this down to simple terms here," Temperance began. "There is a coal that Heaven wants me to destroy... If I can find it that is..." her voice drifted off.

She walked now, pacing in a small line, continuing then. "Satan is using it because of its holy powers, to gather strength for his army? And Louisiana is chosen because of the link to the resurrection?"

The angel nodded. "Yes, but you're forgetting a very important element to this, Temperance."

Temperance lifted her brow, reviewing everything she was told, like a checklist in her head.

"I think I've got it, except, again...why me? And you cannot say because I'm related to some Saint that died centuries ago!" She bit her lip. "My mother never mentioned that to me."

The light enveloping the angel was fiery and nearly blinding for Temperance now.

"You are the key, Temperance. And yes, due to your link with the Saint it is so. Because of this, you were hand selected by the One and True. You are the one that can bring harmony and balance back, just as your name depicts. Your mission is to locate the coal. Once found, you will be instructed by the nine choirs on how to destroy it. Something this powerful in the hands of evil is catastrophic. The dark one is crafty and very clever."

The angel paused in thought, then tapped her chin. "Like a sheep with wolves clothing is what you humans say."

"A metaphor," Temperance offered.

The angel's eyes lit up. "Yes, that is it." She nodded again. "The coal is holy because of its roots with the Seraphim. He will use that power within that coal for his evil. But once it is destroyed, Satan will no longer harness any more power from it. The possibility for war will be null and void."

"Lovely," Temperance said facetiously.

"He will attempt to blind and trick you, Temperance."

"So, my gift is parting because of Satan?" Really, it was a rhetorical question, but she knew the answer. Temperance tried to erase the fear growing inside of her, but it was difficult, especially hearing all this.


Roman hadn't intended to watch her today. There were no demons nearby that he sensed. Things were settling a bit, a granted reprieve from the hell that was about to unfold, he thought dismissively. The halcyon wouldn't last long, so he'd better embrace the still while he could. If needed, he would be there instantly for her. He wouldn't fail her − no never − he'd die first... He sat behind his desk in his large office, while he was deeply in thought of her. The stress ball he gripped tightly offered him very little abatement from the unrest settling deep into his blood. The arrival of Mardi Gras had only sealed all of their fates, and had him on high guard.


He could see into her like an open door; her soul a tempting beacon to him, like a sin that had never been executed, but the strong desire there, tempting him, luring him to her... She awakened something inside of him that had been dormant for so long. He didn't like it. He would not succumb to it.

She didn't even know him yet... Ah, but soon she would know him. That he did know, he thought, clinching his jaw with ire. There was no choice but to be a constant in her life. Her true protector, and that was all that was permitted.

His cell beeped then. He grabbed it, his dark eyes reading the text quickly, and then dropping it with no regard, left abruptly. His phone was left unlocked and open for anyone to see the message.

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