Jason Kidnapped by Adoption Bait? More Likely Than You Think

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Despite the Far Frozen being much colder than anticipated, the ghost teen currently wrapped around his body like a snake and the fuzzy coat kept Jason rather warm...in spite of the kid practically radiating cold himself.

It was an odd experience but so was being in a realm filled with ghosts to figure out how to fix his pit rage that refused to let go of him despite how many years it's been. Sure, he's been managing it alright in recent months but that consuming green rage sometimes grabbed his mind and left him struggling to not succumb to its promises.

Honestly, it was probably the fear of coming out of that green fog only to find his friends or family dead by his hand that led him to follow a random kid- one that looked like adoption bait, if he ever saw one -to see his doctor friend.

Even if stepping through a swirling, Lazarus green portal to do so had unnerved him.

Despite this, being in the Ghost Zone had been...oddly calming despite being greeted by a group of yetis upon entry, like being in the dimension settled the pit waters. He hazarded a guess that it was also probably due to the chattering teen who was no longer human looking.

"Hey, Danny?", asked Jason, interrupting a story about the first time Danny arrived at the Far Frozen.

"Yeah?" Danny leaned his head down to try and look at him, long ears twitching curiously.

"When you approached me at the mall, you looked...well...human. Pale skin, blue eyes, black hair, round ears, legs . What's up with the uh...new look?"

"Oh! That's an easy one." The ghost untangled himself from Jason, changing his tail into legs with surprising ease, and stood in front of the man, pausing their journey temporarily. "I'm what ghosts call a Halfa. I'm both dead-" Danny changed back to how he looked in the mall, some of his ghostly attributes easily seen still now that Jason knew what to look for. "-and alive. I actually used to look more human in ghost form, but ever since I became king, I sort of...changed to be more ghostly by default."

"So the green-blue skin and green eyes and long elf ears that wiggle are just..."

"Just my ghostly side showing more since I'm pretty powerful now. Most ghosts I've seen have green-ish or greyish-blue skin. The only other halfa I knew of, ie my ex-enemy and current godfather, had blue skin in ghost form. My older brother slash ex-evil alternate self- we call him Dan -has pure blue skin, because he sort of fused with my ex-enemy's ghost which we fixed, while my little sister slash clone- Ellie, but she prefers Elle -has her usual human skin color in ghost form."

Jason was silent for a moment as he took in everything he had been told in such a short period of time, before letting out a heavy sigh. "Kid. We must never let you near B. He'd adopt you before you could even think to say no."

"Why?", asked Danny as he changed back into his ghost form and curled around the large man once more before they continued to walk.

"He has a type. Black hair, blue eyes, traumatized. Hell, usually the kid just has to be traumatized and he's weak at the knees and ready to sign the paperwork." He felt the disgust come off of Danny. "He's...not a bad dad, kid. He's not great, but he adores all of the kids he adopts, legally, emotionally, or financially."

"Financially? What?"

"Yep. Steph has him paying for her college tuition and bills despite only being there to date his kids. She also comes and eats whatever she wants, has her own room, and bugs the shit out of Bruce whenever she's around the manor."

" Manor ?" Danny groaned. "Is a rich fruit loop? I had one rich fruit loop, the godfather I mentioned earlier, try and make me his son and that was enough for a lifetime and afterlife. Sure, I'm happy he gave me my little sister and sure, we're working on reforming him but ugh."

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