New Friend

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(so I've been working on some character drawings and stuff to help with my inspiration. Would anyone like to see that? Also thoughts on the cover art? Hand drawn by me. Real proud of it.)

Night had come quickly, much quicker than Matze had expected. The small town wasn't much. Seemingly abandoned if not for the few people he passed as they closed up their business for the night. "Hey, Mister?" The voice next to him was soft, like that of a timid child. 

Matze stopped, turning to face the copper-haired young woman who'd stopped him. She may have been a good bit shorter than himself, about four foot tall if Matze had to take a guess, but he got the distinct feeling she was much older than her height and softened childlike appearance would suggest. "Hello. Something I can help you with Ma'am?"

"I um...You're new to town, yes?" She says, risking a brief look over her shoulder which causes the low ponytail in her hair to sway a bit. She was nervous clearly despite the power that seemed to radiate from her.

"That's correct. Just passing through." Matze says, eyes never leaving her, not that he needed to look to know that a group of men about 6 feet from them was watching them. "Was actually gonna see if the motel in town has a room available for the night" One of the men takes a step towards them but backs up slightly as Matze's gaze flicks up to the group at the sound. There were three of them that could be seen from where Matze was standing but he got the feeling there were likely many more just out of sight.

"I don't think so. We've had a lot of travellers through lately. But if you like I have a spare room I wouldn't mind lending you for the night" She says, eyes pleading quietly for him to accept the offer. 

"Sure. Can't say no to an offer like that from a pretty lady" Matze says, gaze shifting from the men back to her as he speaks "Lead the way, ma'am" he says, a bright smile gracing his lips as he motions for her to lead. 

She smiles faintly and nods as she starts on up the road the same way Matze had been headed. "So mind if I ask what brings you to town? Oh I'm Nym by the way" she says, honestly surprised a bit he'd taken the offer after she realized she hadn't even introduced herself yet.

"Matze Matellea. And like I said just passing through. Looking for people to help" He says, casting a glance behind him at the men. Still only three despite being closer to him. Others are likely in hiding like they didn't want to be seen.

"oh? You like a doctor or something? looking for a place to set up that needs your speciality?" She says, brown eyes moving from the road ahead of them to gaze at him momentarily before falling to the sword at his waist and then back ahead of them.

"Oh no. I...I make my piece protecting others." He says, choosing not to comment on her gaze having a feeling it'd likely be a bad idea if not because of her intention then because of the men following them. 

"So a knight then? Though I don't think I've met a traveling Knight before" She says, contemplating the idea.

"I mean if I can be knighted by a god I suppose that's a fair statement. But honestly, I'm not. Just a man out here looking to help those who need it." He says, green eyes dulling slightly as a wind kicks up knocking an arrow that had been aimed at his head off course and into a nearby tree.

"Ah. I see. That explains the lack of armour." She mumbles mostly to herself it seems as she approaches a small, mildly rundown-looking house. Matze had moved to stand a few steps behind her, enough to give her space to unlock it while making sure he was between her and the men should they try anything. 

The magic Matze could feel coming off this place was powerful. He didn't know who this girl really was but clearly, she wasn't human. Matze watched as she waves her hand over the knob before gently pulling it open. Or rather she'd pulled open the door behind the illusion. Something he was sure only the two of them could see. Looking through the door Matze could already tell that the inside was far different from the outside presentation. Neater and likely bigger from what he could see.

The Protectors: Matze's taleWhere stories live. Discover now