III. the vanishing glass

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Chapter Three - The vanishing glass────────────────────────

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Chapter Three - The vanishing glass

the screen shows a sleeping girl, almost eleven, with messy red hair and a lightning bolt shaped scar on her forehead.

ophelia winces knowing what's coming up next, not only for her parents' reactions but her friends because she hasn't told them.

there is a click, and knocking outside, a tall woman, petunia raps the door.

"up, get up" petunia says, rapping on the door. getting impatient she smacks the door hard. "now!"

the great hall is dead silent. the first one to speak is hermione with a heartbroken look on her face.

"why did you never tell us?" she asks her best friend

"you guys were my first friends, the first people to ever care about me and i didnt want my terrible home life to be another one of my problems that you guys had to deal with and then not want to be my friend anymore" ophelia says ashamed.

"oh lia" hermione says before bringing her into a hug while ron just brings her into his side once hermione lets go of her.

everyone is sitting there waiting for james or lily's reactions but they look eerily calm.

a large, tubby boy, suddenly comes running down the stairs above the closet. he stops half-way down and goes back, jumping on the staircase.

"wake up cousin! were going to the zoo" dudley says while jumping on top of the stairs.

dudley laughs, comes down the stairs and runs for the kitchen. ophelia tries to come out of her "room" when dudley slams the door closed again, making her smack her head against the wall.

"that's it" james said, standing up smacking his hands on the table. hes rambling like a mad man before he turns towards lily

"im very sorry my lily-flower but im going to kill your sister" he tells her

lily agrees but that doesn't stop his rambling.

"dad" ophlia says. and he snaps his head to her with a big dopey smile on his face.

"say that again" he says, full of excitement.

"sit down dad, we've got to continue the movie" ophelia tells him and he sits down next to sirius and talks his ear off about how she called him dad.

"oh here comes the birthday boy" petunia says as dudley makes his way through the kitchen.

"happy birthday son" vernon tells him with a nod of his head.

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