IV. letters from no one

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Chapter Four - Letters from no one ────────────────────────

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Chapter Four - Letters from no one

back at the dursley's. petunia and a bundled up dudley come in.

"It's alright. it's alright." she says

they disappear around the corner. ophelia and vernon enter. vernon slams the door and shoves ophelia against a wall, taking her hair.

"he better get his hands off you right now" james shouts.

"oh i'm so sorry baby, i knew my sister hated me but i would of never thought that she would be this horrible to a child" lily tells ophelia distraught

ophelia gets up and walks over to lily "its okay mom, it's not your fault" she says giving her mother a hug

"ow!" ophelia exclaims

"what happened?" vernon demands

"I swear I don't know! one minute the glass was there and then it was gone! it was like magic!" ophelia tells him

vernon scoffs and shoves ophelia into the closet

"there's no such thing as magic!" he shouts

outside, some time later an owl flies by the house and drops a letter, which zooms in the letterbox. It lands away from the house and hoots.

ophelia goes to collect the mail. shee sorts through the letters and sees a letter addressed to her.

"everyone shut up, shut up! this is it, my baby is getting her letter" james says bouncing in his chair like a little kid

she goes into the kitchen and hands Vernon the rest of the mail, and walks around the other side of the table to see her letter.

"ah, marge is ill. ate a funny whelk." vernon says aloud

dudley sees that ophelia has a letter and takes it from her and goes to show his dad

"hey, give it back! It's mine!" ophelia says

"yours? who'd be writing to you?" vernon laughs

"all of the wizarding world" the weasley twins say in unison making everyone chuckle

the family gathers to look at the address. there is a broken seal on the letter. the family looks up and ophelia gulps.


another owl flies by with a letter and drops it off. vernon grabs a handful of letters and rips them up. in the closet, ophelia hears a whirring noise. she looks out at vernon drilling wood over the letterbox opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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