Death and Puppeteer

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Another disaster struck this world. Nothing new or out of the ordinary; it happens all the time. Although it tends to be exhausting for Death and me every time this happens. More souls must be guided to their next life sooner than it should have happened in other possibilities. Many threads get tangled and untangled quickly. Death suffers seeing the end of so many lives so suddenly, but she is comforted knowing that she is guiding them to better worlds most of the time. For me, it's interesting to see how the lights stir in the performance, and their paths and colors alter.

You see, many know me as Destiny. And yes, that's how I've been named. However, I am not as some imagine me; I don't weave a single and immutable path for each soul but improvise. I know each one of them very well and dedicate myself to guiding and weaving threads among you; toward possibilities that suit them. Although, while I can pull the threads of each one a little, it depends on you whether to take that path or not.

And Death, she is not "the end" as some imagine. If you knew her, you wouldn't fear her. She is something complicated, yet beautiful. And yes, I fell in love with her. With her long and cold fingers, but warmth and sweetness in her gaze. And when she explodes into infinite butterflies that guide each soul, it's so fascinating. In contrast, I... I am just a puppeteer... Excuse me, I am digressing.

Although I mentioned earlier that these situations are nothing new for Death and me, the loneliness and despair that have afflicted so many souls lately still hurt us. That uncertainty and pain they often feel. But we try to see the glass half full. You have to adapt; and I see many opportunities for those little lights that seem to flutter like fireflies in the performance. With that trail they leave behind in their walk, bright and immutable. And all those paths ahead subtly drawing them to move forward.

And that's how everything looks from afar. If I get closer, of course, everything begins to look different. Sometimes I like to observe you more closely, see the hope in your hearts and your constant struggle in day-to-day life. Although it also disappoints me to see all those human beings, if that's what they can be called, who have lost their souls. Who have been adrift due to their own decisions, and only the end of their life will give them another chance. Sometimes I feel like I failed them; then Death comforts me, reminds me that not all is lost, and motivates me to continue guiding those who still deserve it. Those who try to overcome and learn from their mistakes, those who despite everything, keep trying.

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