The Barn

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Dinner is always loud. All of Austin's brothers have dinner every evening at the ranch house with Lilith and Olivia close to their sides. She learned while at the waterfall that Lilith and Olivia also grew up in the city - she is beginning to believe that curse. Especially because Ren refuses to speak to city girls given he is not ready to settle down. Matty can't wait for his city girl. She watches how they interact with each other - tons of love and kind words. There is not a toxic bone in any of them. Evelyn and Jimmy treat each boy the same, including Lilith and Oliva. Jimmy listens quietly to the stories Josh and Burt tell him about their ranch and he gives them quiet advice. His face proud. When Ren tells him of his bull riding and the new records he has broken Jimmy looks just as proud and when Matty speaks of the dreams he is yet to accomplish, Jimmy says he has all the faith in the world he will achieve them. Evelyn speaks quietly with Lilith and Olivia, they include Indy in their conversations, and she does not feel like an outsider. How do they love all their children so effortlessly? As if there is enough love to go around.

Indy likes it. She loves it. She had always wished family dinners could be like this, but they never were. If she and Austin ever think of having children she is going to convince him they should have one hundred and she is going to love them all, she is going to tell each one of them how special they are and cuddle them all the time. And family dinners? She is going to have family dinners all the time. "Bedtime, darlin'," Jimmy says suddenly as he stands. Evelyn smiles at him and then stands too. "Good night. I love you all," she says then brushes Indy's shoulder as she passes. "You too, little dove," she whispers before she disappears with Jimmy.

Indy has to clench her jaw as her emotions practically explode. She said that so easily. As if it was true. Is it true? It certainly feels like it. "Been a long day, best we get going," Burt says quickly and ushers everyone up and out the door ignoring their protests. Once they are alone Austin takes Lucky carefully from Indy's arms and places her in the bed Indy had made earlier under the kitchen table. She will sleep now that she has just had a feed. He sits back down and pulls her onto his lap.

"You need a moment?"

Indy nods. "Take your time, sugar," he whispers. Indy buries her face in his shoulder and has a little cry. Austin does not bug her while she takes a moment, he just rubs her back gently. Eventually, she gets a handle on her emotions and sits up.



"Feels good, huh?"

Indy gives him a watery laugh and wipes her cheeks, fixing her face. "Yeah. It feels really good," she says. "I promise you, Indy, you'll never have to beg or even hope for love again. You have it. Freely," he says.

"I just...I don't feel like I'm w-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Don't you dare say or think you are not worth it. You are. I said you would win every fight but not that one. Call me a liar if you must. But, I will fight and I won't relent on that one. Do you understand me?" he says. Indy smiles softly at him. He gets a little crease right in the center of his brows and his eyes squint closed slightly when he is angry. His voice goes slightly gruff, not as gruff as it was with Bella or her father, but still gruff. His nose scrunches slightly too. It's very cute. She slides her fingers into his beard and pulls his face close to hers. "I understand that you love me very much," she whispers. "I do," he whispers back.

"You are very cute when you are angry."


"Mhmm...I am missing the privacy of our house right now."

"I can fix that."

"You can?"


Indy stands up and Austin takes her hand then slips out the kitchen door with her. "You wanna do this properly?" he asks with a grin. "I have no idea what we are doing so yes, why not?" she says shrugging. "Ok. Keep very quiet. We aim to keep out of sight and not get caught," he whispers. He walks quietly down the kitchen steps and then pulls her against the side of the house.

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