For My Broken Heart

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She must have cried herself to sleep because it is dark outside when she blinks her eyes open. The side of her face is stuck to the pillow from her dried tears and she has to peel her face off the cotton pillow. She can hear her phone ringing constantly from somewhere in her house. She had been so focused on what was going on that she had not even thought about her phone or bag, or anything like that. She has no idea what time it is or how long she has been asleep. She feels like she is in a daze. She has never been cheated on, that she knows of, and never expected this from Luke. She is gutted. How could he? With Carroll of all people? This was not even a spur-of-the-moment thing or a drunken mistake. Two years. He had been banging her for two years.

She sits up and runs her hands over her face. She can feel her eyes swollen from crying and she looks like an insane person. Her phone is still ringing and she bets it won't stop. She knows it's Luke. He is going to try and convince her not to end things with him. Well, it's too late. She is sure she was pretty clear on her stance about where they stood. They are done. Her phone goes quiet and the house is peaceful for a second until it starts up again. She needs to throw herself out of bed and put it on silent at the very least. She slips out of bed, she is still fully clothed - shoes and all. She opens her bedroom door and peeps out. The spare bedroom door is closed but she can see white powder on the floor spilling out from under it. It's going to be a bitch to clean. She does not even know where to start with that.

There are also a million white bootprints leading from the spare bedroom to the front door. She should say thank you to the contractors for helping her. She would never have gotten Luke out without their help. But, the thought of looking them in the face fills her with dread. This whole thing is embarrassing. Not only does she find out Luke is cheating but she needs to explain to her parents why she turned back and missed her sister's engagement party. She will have them on her back too. To top it all off she had an audience for her shitshow. Her life can't feel more broken than it is right now. But, she knows it will get worse. She will have to face and work alongside Luke and Carroll next week, and when her sister gets hold of her she will fight. She is selfish and spoilt, and won't give two fucks what's going on in Indy's life especially if it takes the limelight off her.

She walks into her lounge and sees her bags have been placed neatly at the front door with her car keys, Luke's house keys, and her cell phone placed neatly on top. She groans and hides her face in her hands. The cowboy. He had been so nice to her and it looked like he took care of everything including taking Luke's house keys to ensure he could not just walk back in like he owned the place. He would have. She has to say thank you to the cowboy but the thought makes her want to die. Her phone goes silent again but then starts up almost immediately. It's starting to drive her crazy. She walks closer and picks it up. She had been right. It's Luke's name that flashes constantly. She can see in the corner of the phone that she has hundreds of messages. She kills Luke's call and then races to her contacts before he can call again and blocks his number.

Opening her messages was a mistake. There are over a hundred messages from Luke. They range from accusatory where he is asking who the cowboy is as if he had caught her cheating, to apologetic and then on to begging, then back to nasty where he even goes as far as saying he is glad she finally caught them and that it's Carroll he loves. The message that follows apologizes for that saying he is just going crazy and he loves Indy. She has messages from both her parents expressing their disappointment at letting her sister and the whole family down. They feel she needs to make a big apology for ruining her sister's special moment. There are messages from her sister too. They are nasty. Her sister is threatening to cut her off. To uninvite her to her wedding and make someone else a bridesmaid. She never really wanted to be a bridesmaid anyway. The last message from her sister is a bill to cover the cost of wasted food at the engagement party.

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