3. Grades

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"You are the only student in the whole year to get a failing grade in my subject." Professor Chutima slammed the paper on her table as she eyed Ohm.

Ohm was being fidgety in front of the professor, who also happened to be a friend of his parent. His parents had never been very particular about the grades but under the professor's influence, they had turned stricter about his academic performance not too long ago.

"This year's paper was the easiest one that had ever been set in the history of our department and you only managed to get five marks out of a hundred? How on earth did you manage to do it, Ohm?"

Ohm smiled awkwardly at the raging woman in front of him. Luckily, they were in her staff room and there wasn't any audience or else he would have been so embarrassed to be yelled at like this.

He had already known that he was going to get an earful when he saw his marks on the bottom of the list of students on the faculty notice board. He had prepared himself for the inevitable before entering the staff room.

The marks were a result of going to play football with his friends even on the night before the exam. Unfortunately, all the friends managed to get a passing grade in the exam while he flunked the exam. He literally bombed the test completely.

"I will score better in the next exam, Professor," Ohm spoke softly. He wanted to ease the professor's anger. Not that he was feeling bad or guilty for his grades, but because his parents had threatened to cut down on his pocket money if they received any complaints from Chutima.

"You better." Chutima huffed and leaned against the backrest of her chair. "We were strictly instructed to take these exam marks into consideration while reporting your performance to the management."

Ohm looked at Chutima with puppy eyes, practically begging her to let him off. But it wasn't easy. The difference between Aunt Chutima and Professor Chutima was just too great that she wasn't falling for him acting all cute.

"So, we have collectively decided to hold an improvement test for you before the next internal exam." Chutima saw Ohm heave a sigh of relief. "But there will be a bit of change. The passing marks will be forty-five out of a hundred."

Ohm's eyes went wide. He was struggling to get the previous passing mark of thirty and now it became forty-five? He wanted to kill the person who brought up this idea.

"Not only you. All your classmates who scored less than forty-five marks will have to attend the improvement exam. Go and inform your classmates as well."

"Khrab." Ohm was cursing mentally.

"You may go now," Chutima said dismissing him, massaging her temples. She was having a headache just looking at Ohm's exam paper.

"Khrab." Ohm thanked the professor and waied. He quickly exited the staff room. He somehow knew that he was done for if he didn't manage to pass the improvement exam.

Not only was he going to lose his pocket money, but he would also not be allowed to take the end-semester exams which would mean that he would have to repeat the course the next semester as well

Getting back to his dorm, Ohm motivated himself to study. "You can do this, Ohm. You have got this." He chanted.

He started going through the study materials he had gotten from his fellow classmates. But soon fell asleep on top of the pile of papers.

Next few days he visited the library in hopes of concentrating on his studies.

"Damn it. why is this thing so difficult to understand?" Ohm frowned closing the huge reference text he borrowed from the library. "How on earth am I going to pass this exam?"

He couldn't understand anything at all. Not to mention that the topic was so long that he didn't know where to start and where to end.

All his so-called friends were doing no better than him. He was sure that Professor Chutima would cut him into pieces and feed him to stray dogs if he didn't pass the exam.

He kept the library books back on the rack and walked out of the library. He sat on the concrete bench outside the library building sulking to himself.

His eyes fell on the little figure that exited the library, skipping happily like a bunny and an idea crossed his mind.

Fluke, having finally gotten his hands on the book he had been looking for after so long, was in a good mood. The book was considered a treasure by students like him who loved studying. It was a bit difficult to understand but the information provided in it was very valuable. He didn't want to miss the chance of reading it at least once.

He was happily walking back to his dorm when he suddenly felt a hand grabbing his shoulder. He turned around to see that it was Ohm, the guy he had the biggest crush on. Other than his slightly annoying attitude, he loved anything and everything about him starting from his handsome dimpled smile to the silly things he did in class that ended up making him the target of the professors.

"Fluke, I have something that I need your help with," Ohm whispered to Fluke.

Fluke tried his best to keep his composure. He didn't want Ohm to hear his heart banging against his ribs. "What is it?" he asked in a neutral tone.

He couldn't let Ohm know of his feelings towards the latter. Especially since both of them were men. The concept of being gay was still new in Thailand (it was the year 2004). The last thing he wanted was to be bullied and isolated for the next five years of his university life.

"How about we sit somewhere and talk?" Ohm suggested. It was awkward for him. Even though he occasionally teased Fluke, he was not really close enough to the little guy to ask him to tutor him on the papers he failed when he knew himself that it was going to be difficult as he was hopeless when it came to studies.

Fluke nodded and followed Ohm. He was nervous as hell. This was the first time he was going to have an actual conversation with Ohm. He had always wanted to get closer to Ohm, given how easygoing the latter is. But never dared to start a conversation being an introvert.

In fact, out of all the students in their batch, he was the only one Ohm wasn't friends with yet. He did want to change it but didn't dare take the initiative to approach Ohm who somehow always finds a way to make fun of him.

Not that Ohm bullied him or something, but the former loved teasing him a lot, which he somehow enjoyed as well. Getting a nickname given to you alone by your crush always feels different.

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