Chapter 4

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~~ Your POV ~~

"Wait, WHAT?! No no nono nonono nononono!! I will not be going anywhere!" I protested.

"Why not?" Evergreen asked.

"Because I like it here." I replied.

"Even though you can't do anything when he's gone?" Rin asked, and I slapped his arm.

"You aren't helping me at all when you add in things like that." I glared at him, hopping he would be quite.

"I feel the love too." He murmured under his breath.

"I think you don't want to go for a different reason." Laxus crossed his arms. 'How the hell dose he always end up getting me to tell him what he wants?!' I mentally yelled, but audibly sighed.

"I don't want to go because I don't know how everyone there will react to something like me." I looked down. That's what I was afraid of. People giving me dirty Looks just because I am what I am, and I can't change what I am.

"Oh sure they will. Laxus was expelled from the guild, but was let back in a few years later." Evergreen said while Laxus made a pained face.

"What did you do?" I asked, hopping I didn't upset him, though I most likely did.

"I hurt the guild." Was all he said.

"But why?" I stepped a bit closer to him.

"I was stupid, thinking that I could make the guild 'stronger' by kicking out the 'weak', when our guild's strength comes from when we stand together, as a family." He looked straight into my eyes, with ones that were full of regret and sadness, making me want to comfort him in some way.

"Okay." I said, not tearing my gaze from his.

"Okay what?" He raised an eyebrow questioningly at me.

"I'll go." I responded, he smirked, and I felt my cheeks heat up, so I quickly turned around.

"Good. Go pack. We leave tomarrow." He put a hand on my head and I pouted while my cheeks reddened even more.

"I think someone is crushing on someone else." Bixlow said while Evergreen tried to slap a hand on his mouth.

"I have no clue what you are talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to pack and get to bed." I huffed and went into my changing room, grabbed a suit case, and packed it. Once I was done, I headed back to my room to find that Rin was sitting on my bed, and the others had left.

"So, how dose it feel to possibly get a family tomarrow?" Rin asked.

"I don't know. But I know that I'll miss you. Your like a brother I never had." I went over to him and hugged him.

"And you're like a sister i wish I had." He hugged me back. Then I got an idea.

"You should come with me!" I pulled away from him and exitedly said.

"Not now. Maybe later." He grinned.

"But why?" I pouted.

"I wouldn't want to interupt anything 'important' between you and the blond."

"Oh well, now I hate you again." I playfully punched his shoulder as he burst out laughing.

"Ah well. I really should let you go to bed. The blond said you'd be leaving at about 8:30 tomarrow." He got up and ruffled my hair, even though he knows I hate it when he dose that.

"Okay. Good night." I said as I started pushing him out the door.

"I Didn't know you were that eager to get rid of me." He pouted.

"I am when it comes to sleep." I replied.

~~✴~~ Time skip to next morning ~~✴~~

I was ready to go at about 8, and had enough time to say good bye to Markus.

"So, I hear you're leaving?" Markus questioned as soon as I came out to the bar.

"Yeah. I am. I'm gonna miss this place though." I said as I handed him the keys to my old room.

"Keep them. If you are ever around, and need a place to stay, just come here and use your room." He said as he came out from behind the bar, giving me a hug.

"I know you haven't been doing much because of you're withdrawal symptoms, hopefully now you'll be able to do what you want."

"Jeez. Is everyone around her a demon?" I laughed and he laughed along.

"I'm surprised you just found out." He let go of me and I playfully punched his arm.

"Well, the there was a good reason for that." I replied.

"I know. You better get going, or you might be late for the train." He smiled while ruffling my hair.

"Fine. But why dose everyone want to ruffle my hair? It's annoying." I pouted.

"Don't know. Maybe your hair just deserves to be messed up." He chuckled and I pouted even more. I then huffed and turned around to leave.

"Take care of your self." I said as I looked back over my shoulder.

~~✴~~ Time skip again because I can ~~✴~~

At the train station, I searched the crowd, but found no sign of Laxus or the others. I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling something inside me trying to pull me somewhere. So I decided to follow it, weaving my way through the crowd. After a minute or so, I found who I was looking for.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)! You made it on time!" Ever shouted, gaining the attention of some near by people.

"I'm never late." I calmly replied.

"Well, we should get on this death trap, before it leaves." Laxus said, making a weird face.

"You don't like trains?" I asked.

"No. No dragon slayer dose, exept Wendy." He responded back, and I nodded.

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