Chapter 3

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~~ Your POV ~~

Its been 3 months since the incident, and I haven't preformed or left my room for 2 weeks now. A week ago, I stopped eating and haven't moved from my couch in at least a full 24 hours. Markus and Rin have stopped by to see how I was doing, but I sent them away each time. And what's worse, I haven't been able to get a certain blond out of my head. I keep running what he said over and over, again and again, through my head. All of my senses are dulled, especially when he invades my thoughts.

"My god! Freya! What happend?" A voice yelled, but I couldn't see who it was. I slowly turned my head to face who ever it was, but my vision blurred so bad, that all I could tell was he had black hair. But I only knew one black haired guy.

"R-rin?" My voice sounded so weak. 'Why is this happening to me?! It feels like torture to live like this.'

"Yeah, its me. But you didn't awnser my question." My vision cleared and I saw him standing there with his hands on his hips.

"I feel so weak, but I don't know why."

"Is it possible your facing withdrawal symptoms?"

"From what?"

"From that blond haired man with the scar on his face."

"How do you know about him, and why would I be having withdrawal symptoms? I haven't been taking drugs if that's what you mean."

"I saw him leave your room about 3 months ago, and I assumed he was your 'one'."

"Wait, you know about that?!" 'How dose he know about that? He's human, right?'

"Of course I do. I am a friendly demon after all." He replied. (There are three stages of demons. Friendly demons will help out just about every one, and will take the side of good. Neutral demons don't help, but they don't destroy. They also don't pick sides. Hostile demons will only destroy and kill, always taking the side of evil.)

"Wait, your a demon?! Jeez, my senses must be worse off then I thought."

"No kidding. But that's because your seperated from your 'one'. If you continue like this, you'll slowly, and painfully, continue to fade away. What you're going through now, its only just the beginning."

"But he's not my 'one'. No one deserves to be the 'one' for something like me."

"Alright. If you don't think I'm right, let me see your back." He said with a serious face.

"You don't go showing your back randomly." I sat up quickly, shooting him a glare.

"Don't give me that look. Just turn around and lift your shirt up." He made a little hand motion.

"Fine." I grumbled, turned around, and lifted the back of my shirt up.

"So, do you happen to know the blond's name?"

"All I know is that his first name is Laxus."

"Well, then I was right."

"What?! That's impossible!" I quickly went into the bathroom and lifted my shirt up again. Sure enough, right between my wings was a black 'L' tattoo, and a dragon underneath it with its wings streaching up to make a circle around the L. (Looks like picture at the top.)

"B-but how? How didn't I notice this?" I walked back out to the room.

"I don't know. But do you know whe-" Rin cut off when there was loud knocking on my door. He moved twords the door and looked the through the peep hole.

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