Chapter 7

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So...... hello! Its been a while since I updated any of my x Laxus books.... and that's 100% my fault. So..... to hopefully make it up, I'm gonna attempt to release a new chapter for each of my X Laxus books in the next 7 days. So, with out further delay, here is chapter 7.

~~ Your POV ~~

I was woken up to the sound of two people arguing somewhere inside the house, and deciding that I probably have slept enough for the time being, I was gonna go see who they were. I got up and headed downstairs to find Evergreen and Bixlow arguing about who was gonna wake me up. Luckily for me, I avoided a planned ice bath from Evergreen, or a pots and pans drum solo from Bixlow.

"Just so you know, I prefer not to be woken up in either of those ways." I spoke, catching Evergreen and Bixlow off guard and causing them to jump.

"Good morning (Y/n). Hope you slept well." I looked to the kitchen table and saw Freed sitting there with a book which he was probably reading.

"Morning. So.... why are you three here? And where's Laxus?" I said as I looked around.

"Were here cause Laxus said we were gonna go to the guild to chose a job to take. He should be out of the shower soon." Just as Freed responded, I saw Laxus walk into the kitchen with his hair wet and not slicked back the way he usually had it. And damn..... he doesn't look half bad with his hair down like that either. And I guess I was staring a bit.....

"-n). (Y/n). (Y/N)!" Bixlow was trying to get my attention, to which I responded with hitting him upside the head.

"You don't need to yell! Geez....." I crossed my arms while desperately keeping my self from blushing. I can't believe I was staring at Laxus! I mean really. Sure he's very good looking..... hot even! But even so, I've seen other hot guys and never stared at them like that. Whats wrong with me?

"Are you OK?" Laxus said, to which I internally freaked out. God, I hope he doesn't think I'm weird now......

"Wha- oh.... yeah..... I'm..... uh...... fine! Yeah! Just fine." Way to go me..... making things awkward since 1987. I wanted yo facepalm myself then and there, but that would have only added to awkwardness.

"OK..... you should pack a small bag for a mission." Laxus said, seeming kinda skeptical of my previous train wreck of an answer.

"Pack? I haven't even unpacked. I could just bring my suit case the way it is now."

"It would be easier if you bring a back pack instead."

"Fine. Let me go pack then."

~~★~~ Le time skip brought to you by Chibi Laxus! ~~★~~

So here we are again after I had packed, we went to the guild, chose a easy looking job, and are once again on the death traps called trains, much to Laxus and I's dismay. I don't care what I was gonna sleep on, but I was gonna sleep damn it. Makes the death ride a lot quicker. I sat next to Laxus again, while the other three sat across from us. Feeling some almost immediatly once the train started moving, I leaned against Laxus, cause let's face it. Leaning against a person is way more comfortable then leaning against a train window. That, and his coat was soft and warm. I had my eyes closed when I heard snickering coming from the train seat across from us. I opened and eye to see Evergreen and Bixlow whispering to each other while looking at Laxus and I in a scheming way. Just what we're those two planing? I don't even wanna know. But it probably wasn't gonna be good. Thankfully I feel asleep soon after and before I knew it, we were in the town in which we were supposed to be at. Thank God. We all quickly got off the train, and left the train station. A few minutes later, without warning, I tripped. Expecting to hit the ground, I braced myself for the fall that never came. Instead I was being held against someone. I opened an eye and looked at who had saved me. It was Laxus. Realizing how close we were together, I started blushing and immediately looked away while Laxus let out a small amused chuckle, which only made my blushe worse. Though quietly behind him I could here Bixlow and Ever talking about how well their plan worked. Well, it looks like I found out their plan. I guess Laxus could here them too.

"Bixlow, Evergreen. Its not nice to trip someone just to make your "ships" or what ever you call them happen." He looked at them, a little less amused now.

"Sorry!" They both said and Freed suggested to get moving so we could go get more info on what out mission exactly was.

So that's all for this chapter. But don't worry. I might update really soon. No promises though. Until next time my fellow Fairy Tail-ers!

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