The Question

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"Can you guys just get some food before I lose my mind?" I asked with a snarl. I spent the last 10 hours straight with Dan and I was about to snap. We were sitting in the sunken old subway as we do in our daily routine. Have I gotten better? Somewhat. I have gotten used to the pain if that clears anything up. The subway is located in the south most part of the city. Dan invited his stupid kid friends he was "mentoring" to come sit with us and talk about the world. I must have looked like a bigger wreck than I thought as they seemed very distant from me, like I had some disease. Dan was so excited to teach them this krav maga move that I actually taught him, not that he would tell them that.

"This move is guaranteed to really take down anyone who fucks with you. Win all the chicks hearts and fuck all night long. New girl every hour. Yeehaw!"

Did I mention I fucking hate Dan? My stomach was gurgling so loud it was becoming painful.

"Ill teach you death pressure points if you get food" I offered as the teenage guys looked at me like I was kidding.

"Right she'll teach me" Dan joked while he winked at the boys. He's lucky I'm out of commission or I would've knocked him out. The boys and Dan finally turned to the food court up the way and left me be. I breathed in and felt pain shoot through my sides and I winced. I try to breath in and out calmly but ugh it hurts so god damn badly. I tried to will the pain away but its becoming pretty difficult. I did get some oxycodone. Maybe Dan wasn't the absolute worst, but I did have to show him my boobs for them so- you tell me. I saw all the boys heading back with hands full but they seemed to only have wrappers and a collective four dollars. I was so fucking fed up I spit out to them,

"Can you do fucking anything right? I told you to get food not fucking wrappers from pockets fuck me" I didn't care how it sounded. Fuck them for being so god damn stupid.

"We got cash" One said innocently. The measly four one dollar bills they scrapped up would barely get fries. Guess it's time to solve my own problems once again.

"Whatever, I'll just do it myself"

"Don't be such a bitch" one of the guys replied as I struggled to get up. I would ram one of these crutches up his ass but I already lost the other one. I threw the single crunch onto the ground and walked around the corner while shouting

"Please" The guys were suddenly gone. What the hell was that about? They disappeared. I looked up and my eyes met someone familiar. The same person I saw in my hospital room with the ring. That struck me as odd and he gave me the same wide eyed look. I'm a little too impulsive today and said my first thought that came to mind,

"Are you stalking me?" He shook his head rapidly but didn't respond. I kept walking a bit toward the food court and felt my chest spring in pain. God dammit this was just excruciating. I added,

"Right so you so happen to find me multiple times? Kinda weird." Trying to catch his vibe as he honestly didn't give me any killer-creep vibes at all. He felt like a lost child seeing someone he knows. I was focused entirely too hard on not collapsing, otherwise I would have some better words to share with him. I was so embarrassed how weak I looked dragging my body forward. I shot my next thought to him,

"Listen if you are going to kill me can you get it over with. If I have to stumble all the way to the food court across the way I might as well be dead" I joked as I stumbled my way to the nearest sticky subway bench. I felt as pathetic as my state of being right now. The guy didn't leave and he was starting to creep me out only a bit. He still didn't have a bad vibe, I just didn't know what the hell he wanted. He kept a distance from me as I returned his look back. His eyes were large brown and wide giving me an interesting look. I couldn't even harbor a guess. I breathed in again and felt the pain and my stomach growled. It's one thing to be horribly disfigured, it's another starving to death trying to heal from it.

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