The Letter & The End

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I woke up suddenly into a bright room. Daytime is bright. My eyes burned. I moved around trying to see the clock across the room on the dresser. It was ten to 11 am. Man did I sleep enough? I yawned and looked around noticing I was alone in the room. I felt nervous for a moment before realizing he was most likely at the shop and didn't want to wake me. I felt excited for some reason but couldn't place why. I turned and saw a notebook laying open on the nightstand closest to me. I could faintly see handwritten words down the page. Oh Henry said he would write down his thoughts I recalled vaguely. I picked up the notebook and scanned the words


There's so much I want to say, but the words never seem enough. Do you remember the first time we shared lunch in that subway? It felt like the universe aligning, a moment that set the course for something extraordinary. Returning your ring, finding you on the sidewalk—it all felt destined, like pieces falling into place.

You brought a warmth and laughter to this building that it hadn't known before. I've witnessed the walls echo with joy when you smile and tremble with despair when you frown. Your capacity to feel things deeply is a gift, and I cherish it more than words can convey.

Nights with you are the highlights of my life. Holding you close, sharing those quiet moments—it's a sanctuary, and I'd do anything to shield you from harm. But more than anything, I want your happiness and well-being.

When I say we're soulmates, I mean that we're meant to be. I want to wake up to your smile and fall asleep with the comfort of knowing you're there. Every thought, every feeling—I want to share them with you, creating a space where you feel safe and loved.

Let's explore this journey together, Fallon. Any way you'll have me in your life, that's all I need.



As soon as I read his note I cried. I read it again and cried again. It was pathetic and I am glad he wasn't up here to see such water works. That is simply the most heartfelt letter I ever had directed toward me. I never had anyone describe me quite like Henry did. I seemed so lovely and carefree through his eyes. Full of life. I don't feel that way but hell his letter gave me hope maybe I could one day. I scoured the notebook for clues to more. I found pages of scribbles and maybe rough drafts. I tried to make out the words but struggled. I found a few I could make out,


"My first everything"

"First kiss"

Wait hold the hell up. I was his first kiss? Excuse me? There was no other indication on here that I could make out to get more info. If that's true, I feel terrible stealing his first kiss like I had. I'm under the impression he enjoyed it considering what he wrote but still. I had a lot of mixed feelings. How are you supposed to feel when someone says I'm their soulmate? Which I don't believe actually exists. I feel honored that someone could put me in such high regard but I felt like I was going to mess it up somehow. I got up and moved about my room feeling so mixed up. I went to the bathroom and got ready and dressed.

I don't know everything here. I don't know how I feel. I don't know what to say. But I do know that I don't care about the details of it. I care that I like Henry. I care about this apartment, this shop.

And just as Henry proclaimed in his letter, I too wanted to explore our lives and see what it holds.

After getting dressed I ran down the stairs of the shop with the notebook, clinging to it as if the words he wrote would disappear. I saw Henry working the front desk and it didn't suit him at all. That was quite frankly, my spot. I watched him put a stack of CDs into piles and I felt he was just looking busy on purpose but what the hell did I know.

"I was thinking," I told him with a smile. He looked up to me with a curious look and my heart swelled a bit. This soft goofy man thought that I of all people was his soulmate. Oh I couldn't crush him like that. I did have quite a soft spot for him too.

"We should close for a few days and do something fun" I added thinking he could use a few days of something new. Exploring our lives like he confessed to wanting. Just like he wants me. I walked over to the front counter and jumped up to sit so I was eye to eye with him. I also effectively blocked him into the front by the register so as not to escape Mr. Hen. Not today.

"And since we are, you know, soulmates and everything, I figured I would have a date" I smiled widely feeling pretty confident with my jokes toward him. His face twitched and he got an insecure look before staying,

"Don't make fun of me" Oh Hen. You are actually pretty cute. I smile and tell him,

"You're lame" this is on brand for me. I'm not going to sit and lovey dovey him. But it's the most sincere statement I had. What he wrote me was lame. Super lame. Lame enough it made me cry many times and want to shield him from all the bad in the world. I reached out and planted my arms around his neck, not a move I ever did but oh did he melt into it, welcoming my hands around him until they connected behind his head. I smiled again seeing him smile nervously at me, so I tacked on just for him,

"Good thing I really really like lame"

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