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Matt started his day like any other, he woke up, got dressed and had breakfast to go early to his grandmother's house. Who lives on the other side of town.

He left the shared house at 9:00, arrived at his grandmother's at 11:00 and planned to return at two in the afternoon, but in the end things got a little complicated.


_ Oh no, it seems like a storm is coming, Mrs. Beatriz - said the caregiver with dark skin and green eyes.

_ Hmm, yes, it seems like it. Matty!, I think you should leave before the rain catches you- Said Beatriz, Matt's grandmother, as she approached the window through her caretaker Miranda was looking at.

_ Really? How bad does it look? - Matt had barely finished speaking when the storm started.

Matt pov:

_ Damn, I can't go out with this weather. - My grandmother offered me to stay until it stopped raining, I accepted and decided that I would take advantage of my time helping Miranda. The storm lasted much longer than I expected, so I stayed to eat, obviously I made the dinner.

It was 6:30 when the rain finally stopped, I said goodbye and took a taxi to our house, hoping that Edd wasn't worried for my absence. I hadn't been able to warn him that I would be late.


_ Hey Eddy, I'm home! -I said when I entered the apartment- Did you see the storm that was outside a few hours ago? It was tremendous! I had to stay longer than I planned and my phone died, so-

I stood still when I entered the kitchen, I couldn't believe what I saw. There was no way there, sitting at the table, was Tord. I thought he was dead or very far from here, from us.

_ T-tord?...

_ Matt, it's okay. He didn't come to hurt us, okay? Breathe. -Edd said, approaching me. I hadn't even realized that I was holding my breath.

_ How...when? Edd, why is he here!? Have you gone mad!? - This couldn't be happening, he couldn't be serious, he destroyed our house, almost killed Jhon and Tom! He hurt us all! He is a dangerous man.

_ Hey Tord - he says looking at the man sitting in the table, and now that I look at him a little better, he looked just as scared as I was - why don't you go to the living room while I talk to Matt, okay?

Nodding his head, Tord leaves. When he was out of sight, I turned my gaze back to Edd, hoping for a good explanation for all this.

_ Okay, long story short, when you left I decided to take a walk around the area. I went to a cat cafe and when I was about to leave, it started to rain, so I ran through the streets until I bumped into someone. It turns out that that someone was Tord, which by the way, he tried to deny it was him so he could escape.
We hugged and I offered to come here so we could talk, he explained everything to me, it turns out that all this madness was just a big misunderstanding.- Edd said almost without breathing.- He never wanted to hurt us...

Okay, I need to sit. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it sure wasn't this. That's a lot to take in, I have a million questions, but before I could say anything Edd spoke again.

_ Listen Matt, I know this is hard to take and it's a lot of information, but I need you to trust me. Tord didn't come to hurt us, just look at him... -He said taking me towards the kitchen entrance, where we could see Tord playing with his fingers while he moved his feet, which barely touched the floor.
I'm not going to lie, seeing him like that made my fear dissipate a little, he looked small and harmless, regretful.

_ Do you really think he's a threat? If he wanted to do something to us, he would have done it already. -He finished.

I stayed silent as we sat back down at the table, Edd is right, Tord doesn't seem dangerous in the state he's in... I sighed.

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