sarim's love.

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Maya slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a room. She came here when she woke up last night. Her eyes Quickly went to the watch to look at the time.

It flashed 7AM

she quickly got off the bed and went to the bathroom to fresh. She changed into some nice clothes and went out of the room.

As she came out she found the house drop dead silent, she took slow steps towards the kitchen and found a tall, perfect looking guy cooking in the kitchen.

Who else it could be? Armaan Vyas.

A smile formed on her face before her going towards the kitchen. She grabbed a pan and Armaan looked at her, "What are you going to do with the pan?" He asked as Maya smiled sarcastically and spoke

"Smash it on my head." Armaan widened his eyes and she rolled her eyes. "Can't even understand sarcasm. I'm going to cook my breakfast with it ofcourse. What else are we supposed to do with a pan?" She said and put the pan on the stove.

"I have already cook for you. It will just take 1 more minute. Go and sit on the table, I'll bring it." He said with a beautiful smile and Maya just got lost into his eyes for a second.

"Okay, I guess?" She simply said before sitting on the table, Armaan brought the food infront of her and placed it on the table.

Maya smiled and mumbled a small thankyou before eating it. And just like a married couple they both eat together and then went for the job.


Armaan and Maya entered the office together, all this time Armaan had a smile fixed on his lips. He was the only one who didn't notice it, and don't forget Maya.

Who was so naive to understand Armaan's feelings for her.

Everyone in the office had noticed the changed behavior of Armaan, the way he opened the door for Maya. The way he smiled when she was around. 

He just got softer. Armaan was a softie in Maya's case but otherwise he used to be a tall aggressive boss no one could be fond of.

He had indeed changed and it didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the office.

Sarim's pov:

I finished the ciggrate thinking it would have killed the pain in my heart, but it didn't. I still felt hurt.

The same kind of hurt.

"Oh what is wrong with me!" I yelled smashing the glass mirror Infront of me as it broke into pieces. What had gone wrong with me?

Why do I keep thinking of Maya? Why I'm so fond of her? I slapped my face with my bloody hands. No. No. can't be.

When she was close to me, I hated her right? How is this possible? How can I start thinking about her when she has gone too away from me and close to that Armaan.

What the hell is wrong with me? I stared at my bloody hand and a smile formed on my face I remembered that beautiful moment between us.


A 16 year old Sarim had hurted his hand, he hurt himself after he lost a bet from his friend and had to give him his favourite cycle. He was ao angry and frustrated with everything.

He was sitting there staring at his bloody hand when he heard Maya's soft voice from the back, he looked at her and her beautiful eyes stared into his..

She sat beside him and he moved a little away from her. "What happened sarim?" She asked. "Go away Maya! I'm not a nice mood!" Sarim said as Maya nodded her head.

"Bad days come. But we don't have to hurt ourselves. Har burey din khud ko takleef dengy phir to hum zinda nahi reh payenge na?" Maya said and once again, her soft voice melted his stone heart.

"But It was my favourite." Maya stood up and went out of the room. She came back with a first aid box in her hand and started treating his hand.

"You should stop hanging out with these kind of kids, who vape, who smoke and do bets." She said calmly while covering his hand with a bandaid.

"Maya don't teach me what to do okay?" Sarim said rudely and Maya smiled at him. "I'm not teaching. I'm advising." She said.

There was a thing very charming about Maya. She didn't get frustrated quick. She thought. And gave calm and right answers which always made the other person silent in a second.

After treating the wound, Maya stood up and smiled at sarim.

"Think about it sometime, Sarim. Take care. Goodbye." She said before leaving the room as sarim stared at her leaving figure.

Somewhere in between that,

He ruined that bond between them.

There was just something unspoken between them, they healed eachother. And suddenly sarim ended that bond.

He hurt her. He insulted her and humiliated her.

Sometimes sarim also wondered what happened to him? When did he turn from a 15 year old Sarim who looked at Maya with a smile he never showed to anyone else to a grown up man who always made Maya cry.

Tears formed in sarim's eyes as he cried.

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