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Armaan fell on his coach as tears fell across his face, he wasn't understanding how to handle the situation. He was so tensed. He didn't know what he had to do.

At one side, he knew Maya. He trusted Maya. He knew that she couldn't do this.

But on the other hand, he didn't trust Sarim. Maya had so much love for him, he just can't believe that it could fade away so easily. He felt insecure.

Insecure that Sarim might take her away from him.

He felt thousands of feelings in his mind. His mind felt like an ocean. He didn't know what to do.

He stood up and ran to Maya's room, he knocked on the door but there was no response from Maya. He took a deep breathe and yelled.

"Maya open the door please! We need to talk!" He yelled.

"Go away, There's nothing to talk about!" She yelled back while burying her face in her pillow.

"Maya, I'm sorry. I trust you so much. More than myself. I'm insecure. Insecure of Sarim! Just open the door. We will talk this out." He said weakly at the door.

Maya waited for a few seconds before opening the door. They stared into eachother's eyes for what felt like an eternity and that was when Armaan buried his head in Maya's neck.

His tears fell on her clothes as she put her hand on his back. He cried as he spoke between the cries.

"I'm so stupid, Maya. I just don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you, Maya. Please stay here with me. I'm sorry. Mujhy maaf kardo. Main bohot bara idiot Hoon." He cried as Maya patted his back.

"It's okay, Armaan." She broke the hug and caressed his cheeks, wiping down the tears falling down his face.

"You just need to trust me. If I liked him, I would have ran to him but trust me, I love you. Only you. It will always be you." She said with so much love in her voice which melted Armaan's heart.

A smile formed on his teary face as he took her hands into his.

"I'm sorry Maya for not trusting you. I'm a jerk. Slap me, kick me, punch me. Do whatever you want but please don't leave me. You are the gasoline to my fire. I don't feel alive without you." He confessed with a smile. Her eyes suddenly filled with love.

She slowly caressed her cheek, her hand covering his face which was now full of emotions.

A small smile appeared on her face, and tears formed in her eyes.

Armaan stared at her with worried eyes and wiped her tears. He caressed her cheek back as he asked in a worried voice.

"Maya? Are you okay?" He asked and she smiled up at him with stars forming in her eyes as she spoke.

"You— are something out of this world, Armaan. I don't understand why are you insecure of Sarim. It was always you. It has always been you. Sarim is nothing Infront of you." She said staring right into his eyes.

His dimples curled as he took her close to him. Her breathe rhyming with his as they joined their heads with eachother.

"You are the only one I love, Armaan Vyas. You are a perfectionist." She told him. She confessed it. An idiotic smile formed on his face as he slowly kissed Maya's cheek and she shut her eyes tight.

He caressed her cheek as they stared at eachother with love.

"I love you, Maya Safeer. You have changed me. You have changed everything about me. There's a broken part inside of me that you fix. Only you." He said and then he took her hand keeping it on his heart.

"Right there. See how much control you have over me. My heart beats like crazy when you're around, Maya. Forgive me for doubting you." He confessed and Maya stared at him for some seconds before taking him into a long hug.

They broke the hug as Armaan caressed her hand which was holding onto his.

"Let's go and eat something. Hum?" He said in a beautiful calming voice as she nodded her head.

They walked, Hand in Hand to the kitchen as he put food for her in the plate. She just stared at him with admirable eyes.

"Why are you so handsome?" She asked with a flirty look forming in her eyes.

"What?" He asked in shock as a small blush formed on his face. She laughed out loud. "You! Did I just see Armaan Vyas blushing?" She asked.

He looked down and caressed his hair with a smile forming on his face.

"Oh come on! Don't be shy." She said as she sat beside him and they started eating the food.

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