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I remember when we were both younger. It was different back then. I hung out with Aiden, but it was different as to what it is now. He had just turned eight, while I was still seven. We were at some girl's birthday party, who moved away at the end of the school year.

We were playing a game in the backyard of the girl's house. It was a sunny day out, which was the perfect weather to have a birthday party. I don't remember what it was called, but I remember it was like a 'Who do you like better?' kind of game. Aiden wasn't playing because he was playing video games with another kid who attended the party. I decided to play, only because I wasn't into video games so much back then.

I was quiet back then. The kids made fun of me for not talking all the time. While playing the game, a girl would stand up and call out a name. That person would then, stand up and call another's person name. You can say a person's name even if that person has already been called or change the name, but not once had my name been called. I felt so left out that I left. So, I ran to the front of the house even though I shouldn't have been. At least I didn't run off into the streets.

I cried alone on the porch, with my knees tightened into my arms. I felt embarrassed and mortified. No one chose me. I was surprised with a touch. It felt light on my shoulder. I hadn't expected anyone to go after me at all. I was never chosen, so I figured I would just be alone until I could be picked up. I didn't have a phone to call my parents,

It was Aiden who touched my shoulder. I was so surprised, but also relieved. Someone came after me, after all. He let me cry into his chest. We were only seven and eight, but he was so mature, like who is still today. He didn't make me tell him what happened. He just knew that whatever happened, it had upset me.

Actions always speak louder than words. Aiden cared about me enough to leave the game he had been playing with the other kid to find me. He had probably checked the backyard to see if I was still there and found that I was no longer in sight.

He held onto me a while longer. He made sure I was finally okay before letting me ago. Even when he had let me go, his eyes filled with worry. He was still only eight. He must've not known what to do, since he was young. I've heard guys never knew what to do when it comes to a girl crying, let alone a little boy like him watching a little girl like me cry.

If it were now, he would probably drag me into his jeep and drive off. We would stop at a supermarket and there, he would go on a food shopping spree. I could still be crying, but he would drag me inside anyways. He would stop at all of the aisles that contained my favorite food, making sure to stop to buy his favorite ones too. He would pay for everything and drive to either his house or mine and there, we would binge on the food before us. Food would be a medicine to happiness.

Instead, he had let me cry and just made sure I wasn't crying anymore. He had known I wouldn't want anyone to see me with my red and puffy eyes, so he chose not to tell an adult. They wouldn't have done much to help anyways. It was only Aiden that could calm me down.


Aiden and I moved to his sunroom after we grew bored of studying. It is too hot to be outside. Instead, Aiden sits, texting what seems to be a hundred words per second. I sit, reading a magazine that his sister, Annika, has left on the coffee table in the sunroom.

It is quiet, but there isn't any need for any noise. We've been used to just having each other's company and sometimes, that is all we need: someone to be there for us.

Corrine was still at work, lifeguarding in the indoor pool. She's always busy with something that she doesn't get as much free time as Aiden and I. She's okay with it, though. Elliott and his friends would be at the pool where she works, as always. If she's not at the pool guarding, however, she was most likely at some party. By this time, she should be off by now. Instead, she decides to attend a Friday night party that she knew Aiden and I would have no intention on going. She was right on that.

I am deep in thought, remembering the birthday party. It has always been drilled into the memory portion of my brain and I continue to remember. It was the day Aiden showed his sincerity to me. It wasn't the only time, but that was one of the most important events to me.

"Remember that day at that girl's party when we were younger? I cried on the front steps of the house and you let me cry into your shirt?" I ask him out of the blue. I stare at the window in front of us. The sky is a bright blue, with tiny clouds in the distance. It is beautiful.

He looks up from his phone. He seems to be in the middle of a text conversation on it. He hears me, though. He responds with a nod. "What about it?" he asks.

I look at him. He is still listening to me, not looking back at his phone. He is making sure he pays full attention to me. The conversation on his phone must not be an important one for him not looking back to see if the person he is texting to has responded.

He has always put me first. He has always made sure I am more important than whatever else is going on. I am important to him and for that, I am grateful. As cliché as it sounds, I'm not sure what I would be doing without him. Without Aiden, I'd be lost. In a crowd of people, I would be the one to feel so alone. The world has always been complicated, but he has always been the one to guide me through it. He is the best friend I could ever have.

I reach over to Aiden and unintentionally wrap my arms tightly around him. He seems to have stiffened, due to his surprise. "I'm so glad that the actual doctor couldn't have been there to help your mother when she was in labor," I say to him, my arms still wrapped around him.

"Huh?" he questions, obviously confused. He still didn't move, though.

"My mom might've never met your mom and thus, I might've never been friends with you," I state. "You're the best friend a girl could ever have."

I can feel he is taking everything I say in. His heartbeat seems to be pounding fast. He must still be surprised. After his heartbeat seem to have calmed down, he wraps his arms around me as well and we stay that way for a bit.

I'm so lucky.

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