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A few minutes passed and Alex finally emerges from the backroom, a supply closet. After he shuts the door behind him, our eyes almost instantly meet one another. He seems relieved.

He's in his work attire: a casual black buttoned-up shirt with basic blue jeans. A red and white apron is hung over his neck that draped across his body. To top it all off, he's wearing surprisingly clean white sneakers and a red hat to match his apron.

I walk up to the cashier with Corrine trailing behind me. Alex and I share a smile when I up right in front of him.

"What'll it be for you two ladies today?" he asks.

"A cup of green tea, please," Corrine answers first.

Alex raises his eyebrows with a playful smile on his face. "You're ordering tea at a coffee shop?"

Corrine looks up at him. She understands that he is joking, but tries not to look like she does. "It's on the menu. Why is a coffee shop serving tea? It should be called a coffee and tea shop, then," she states.

"Touché," he replies, and then he turns to me. "And what will you be having?"

"What do you recommend?" I say, scanning through the menu. I couldn't make a decision on what to drink.

"There happens to be a special going on that started just a few minutes ago."

"Oh, and what must that be?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"It is called the "Alex Surprises a Special Girl with His Specialty" special," he smirks, waiting for me to reply.

Corrine nudges her shoulder on my arm, probably going to leave a temporary red mark on it. I turn my head and glare at her. Returning my attention back to Alex, I answer, "Okay. Surprise me."

He nods his head and starts to get to work. I watch as he glides throughout the kitchen, making both of our drinks. He starts with making Corrine's cup of tea first. He flaked in a spoon of green tea leaves into the cup and pours hot water into it afterwards. The water combines with the leaves to form a nice green color. Alex doesn't immediately call out the order. Instead, he starts on his special drink for me. I couldn't tell what he was putting into the drink. He seems to be shielding me from whatever he is doing. He resembled a witch in her lair stirring up poison. I smile to myself at that though.

Watching Alex from his back, it looks as if he's made this drink several times. It made me only eager to find out what it would taste like.

I could sense Corrine looking back and forth between Alex and I. I refuse to look at her because if I did, I'm afraid she'll give me one of her mischievous smirks. Alex, too, attempted to sneak a few glances over his shoulder to look at me. Whenever our eyes met, we couldn't help but share a smile. I could feel my face become hot and blushing. I shook my head whenever the feeling came.

"You should ask him to have a drink with you," Corrine whispers into my ear.

I take my eyes away from Alex to look at her. I immediately shake my head. "I can't interrupt his work," I refuse.

She huffs after hearing my response. Forming a stern look, she says, "Then, why would he ask you to stop by during his work hours? If he doesn't accept, just tip him a little extra money," she suggests, jabbing her elbow into my arm repeatedly.

I smack her arm, causing her to jerk he elbow away from me. She rubs against the spot I had just smacked. Gradually, her pale skin turns into a bright red. "Just do it," she whisper-yells.

Alex comes from behind the counter with a rag in his hand. He comes near my table and pretends to wipe the table next to Corrine and I clean. He uses it as an excuse to talk to us.

He specially delivers me his special blend and Corrine her tea. I thankfully take it from him. I flinch when our pinkies touch, but Alex seems unaffected by it. I must've imagined it.

"If you wait a few minutes, my break starts soon. I can have coffee with you," he suggests and I give him an "okay." The corners of his lips twitch up and it warms my stomach. He always seems genuinely happy.

Another employee who I did not recognize takes Alex's spot at the cashier. He looks to be around the same age as us. Maybe he goes to the same school as Alex?

Alex is talking to the unknown guy. The guy responds and then, they erupt into laughter mode. I can't read their lips from where I'm sitting, so I have no idea what they're talking about. Alex gives the guy a pat on the shoulder and a quick nod. He unties his apron and hangs it onto a rack of other aprons. The guy gives Alex his coffee and Alex thanks him.

Before I know it, he's sitting in between Corrine and I. No one says anything at first. We were all thinking about what should be said. Corrine beats Alex and I in the race of who is to speak first.

"What I don't understand is why parents have the guts to leave their children alone in the pool and not watch them. I am not paid to babysit, but it sure seems like I am - babysitting that is. I saved too many near-dying kids in the last month," Corrine begins to complain. She groans in annoyance and takes a long sip from her drink.

Alex manages a chuckle and I respond, "Maybe they're actually your children."

"If that were true, I would be dead," Corrine casually says.

Alex nearly chokes on his drink. He clears his throat. The turn in conversation must have caught him off guard. He decides to change the conversation. "How's my coffee?" he points the conversation towards me.

I hadn't exactly paid attention to the taste of his coffee ever since has given it to me. I had taken light sips, but not enough to determine if I liked it or not. I officially take a long sip then. A surge of the taste of coconut hits my taste buds. He has taken a huge risk, being that not very many people I knew liked coconut. Luckily, I enjoyed the taste of coconut. In my drink is vanilla ice cream blended in with the coconut. There's an obvious shot of caffeine in the drink. "Surprisingly tasty," I answer him. Alex heaves a sigh in relief. I can tell he is pleased with my answer.

He stays and chats with Corrine and I for a while longer, until his break is over. When it is time for him to get back to work, Corrine has to do the same. He walks us out of the coffee shop, giving his goodbyes to the two of us. I return the goodbyes, as well as Corrine. From there, the three of us part our ways into three different directions: Alex back inside, Corrine to the pool, and I to my car to go back home.

On the ride home, I feel like I'm bouncing in my seat. A guy actually likes me and is actually taking the effort to get to know me. I think if I let myself, I could fall for him. Alex and I immediately hit it off at the pool, even after my embarrassing incident of dashing off into the bathroom. This is only the beginning. We do have the first date coming up next Saturday, after all. I couldn't be anymore excited for it.

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