Chapter 36

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The day passed quickly, it felt good to be back consulting with people and being there to help them. I even got to see Mrs Winters again. She was my teacher at school when I was younger. I will always remember how she encouraged me and would hold me back after school sometimes and do extra tuition.

Now in her late sixties she still looks as beautiful as she did back then, just her hair is now laced with some grey but those violet eyes of hers are still twinkling away. Mrs Winters came in because has a troublesome hip and we caught up on old times. It was wonderful to see her.

At four, I left the practice and made my way back to my folks where I've just entered the house. "And, how did it go?" Mom asks before I've even slipped my shoes off. Talk about eager beaver.

"It was okay, you know. Nice to see my old teacher again." I slip into my Ugg slippers and head into the kitchen. Dad is in his office I see pouring over papers, again. He needs to start to take it easy.

"And, being with Logan. Did it stir up old memories and feelings?"

"Mom, honestly. Stop right now. You know I'll be leaving soon again. There is nothing to report on the Logan front."

"I can wish though dear, can't I?" Mom adds coffee to the filter and puts the machine on.

"No point in day-dreaming about Logan and I getting back together, Mom. It's not going to happen." I don't bother to tell her that I've decided to make nice with Logan. That would just add fuel to the fire and she'd raise her hopes that her daughter is going to fall back in love with Logan and stay here in Willowbrook. Which I keep having to say, is not going to happen.

"Just mark my words, Sage, you will." She taps her nose. I sigh and roll my eyes. Not all mother's know best and on this score she is way off the mark. Even though I do still find him devilishly handsome. C'mon, I'm a woman not a dead woman. I can see what's in front of my nose and he is arresting and the way he's filled out to be a mighty fine man, hasn't gone unnoticed. I'm pretty sure he's got a woman or two tucked away somewhere that he goes to relieve himself and have fun with. Logan is definitely not a monk. He's a pure bred man of a man.

"Plans tonight?"

"I was hoping to stay in and rest my ankle. It's killing me. Eliza decided we should meet up at Bluebell's later to discuss the fundraiser that the practice is putting on." Mom places the coffee in front of me and I take a sip even though it's still hot. I take a cookie out of the barrel on the counter.

"That'll be nice, honey. Did you want to put me down for some baking. Logan's ma and I usually bake cakes for the cake stall? I can make some of my best-selling blueberry muffins with cream." Mom sits down next to me. This feels like old times, the two of us at the kitchen island, coffees in hand and chatting away. I'm going to have to admit that now I'm sitting here with her, I kinda missed it.

"Perfect, I'll let them know."

"Will Logan be there?" My mother is not a subtle woman that is for sure. I roll my eyes again.

"Of course, he owns the practice, Mom. I'm telling you nothing is going to happen between us."

"Ah, but I saw the way he was looking at you when he came over the other night. That man is still carrying a torch for you, honey. It's all over his face. You should give him another chance. He did nothing wrong. It was your choice to leave us all here in Willowbrook. We get that, you know your father and I, we really understand you wanted to chase your dream and I think Logan understands now too. At the time, it tore him apart and we were sad you left but time heals." Wow, that is some speech.

"I know, Mom. But even if I did start to have feelings for Logan again there is no point. You know, I want to go into a state hospital. Being here in a small town practice isn't my dream." I tell her and drink some more of my coffee and take another cookie from the barrel. My stomach gnarls - I'm hungry.

"There are benefits, darling of being in a small town. For a start everyone has got your back. The community is welcoming and we have so much to offer. That and you get to have a personal relationship with your patients, you see it through from the start to the end. You don't get that in one of those fancy big hospitals, do you?" She has a point, what can I say? Instead, I give her a hug and kiss her cheek.

"I'll eat at Bluebell's, Mom. Don't make dinner for me." I stand up and place my mug in the dishwasher.

As I remember, Bluebell's is busy for an evening. The diner is full of the older folk sitting at tables with blue clothes on them. It looks as if they're having some kind of function. The men are dressed with button down shirts on and ties, the women are in elegant dresses. Maybe it's someone's birthday. Barbara looks run off her feet. Some teenagers are sitting in one of the booths, they're looking at something on a kid's mobile and laughing. It takes me back to when Logan and I just to sit in a corner booth, only we'd be charged with hormones wanting to rip each other's clothes off. I better bury that memory right now before he turns up.

Talk of the devil, the door opens and in strides Logan. All six foot something of him. He's wearing a black t-shirt with his arms on display, I can make out the ropey veins in his forearms. He's always had sexy arms but now as a man they're really something else.

"Hi, just us I'm afraid." He says as he sits down opposite me, my mouth falls open and I am conscious I am gaping at him.

"What?" My voice is practically a screech.

"Eliza and Sadie couldn't make it."

"Why not?" I'm clearly not impressed.

"Eliza had to run an errand for her sister and Sadie got roped into babysitting for her niece, Linny. Her sister had to work a double shift as one of the girls went off sick in the factory." I have no idea what factory or where he is talking about since there isn't one here in Willowbrook.

"Great." I mutter. Barbara comes to our table with her pad in hand. She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.

"What can I get you two lovebirds?" I don't even bother correcting her, everyone in this town is now going to think that Logan and I are back together.

"I'll have the chicken and mushroom sauce please, Babs." Logan briefly looks at the menu.

"And I'll have the steak with fries on the side, oh and some onion rings too please. Can I have a beer with that and one for Sage, too."

"Coming right up." She winks. Good grief.

"I bet Eliza is trying to match-make." I say and play with a napkin. His eyes are staring right at mine, I shift in my seat as I feel his gaze move to my lips, down my chest and rests on my tits. I knew I should have worn a top that wasn't quite so low cut. I fold my arms in front of my chest. He averts his gaze.

"Can't help a guy for looking, darlin." 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now