Chapter 381-385

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Jiang Xiujie and Lu Yuan walked into the gate of Jun's house with drunken Xia Beiqin, and Zou Bo hurried over to greet him, smelling a pungent smell of alcohol.

"Oh, how can I drink it like this? Fortunately, the old man is not here, otherwise the young master Beiqi will be dead."

"Are you crazy?" came a cold voice.

Several people raised their heads and saw Jun Sicher's figure standing on the stairs, wearing loose home clothes, with both hands slipped into their pants pockets, their eyes sharp and sharp, and they shot them coldly.

Jiang Xiujie and Lu Yuan both had a shiver, and forced a bitter smile: "Hello, Brother Che, we will leave first..."

They dumped Xia Bei on Zou Bo, and ran away as if fleeing.

Bo Zou helped Xia Beiqin on the sofa, ordered the servant to cook some sober soup, took a hot towel, and prepared to wipe his face.

"What's wrong with Bei Qing boy, why is he still crying?"

Xia Beiqing twisted his eyebrows, looking very uncomfortable, and even murmured in his mouth.

Uncle Zou didn't hear clearly, he leaned over with his ears sideways, and heard Xia Bei's voice hoarse and whispered: "Mom..."

Uncle Zou froze suddenly, and suddenly remembered the time when Xia Beiqing came to Jun's house when he was a child. The little people cried every night and looked for their mother every night and hugged her clothes to fall asleep. This situation lasted for a whole year before it gradually improved.

He watched Miss Jun grow up, and then watched Young Master Beiqing grow up. How could he not feel bad?

Xia Beiqing got up from the sofa staggeringly, and Bo Zou hurriedly supported him: "Master Beiqing, where are you going?"

Xia Beiqing stubbornly pushed Zou Bo away, stumbled up the stairs, raised his head, gave Jun Si Che a confused look, then held on to the railing, and passed Jun Si Che, and climbed to the second place unsteadily. Lou, rushed into the room.

There was no light in the room, only the bleak moonlight came in. Xia Bei fell to the ground and slowly stretched out his hand, picked up the photo of the woman, hugged it tightly in his arms, and couldn't help crying.

"Mom... Mom... I'm sorry..."

Standing outside the door, Bo Zou heard a familiar cry from the room, sighed, and looked at Jun Siche next to him: "Master Che..."

Jun Si completely looked at the room quietly, his thin lips lightly said: "Let him cry first, cry enough to help him go to bed to rest."


Early in the morning, Jun Duonuan stood on the campus with people coming and going, biting a bun and calling Xia Beiqin. After several calls, no one answered them. She looked at Yunci worriedly: "Mommy, what should I do? "

Yunci took out his cell phone and called Bo Zou. After a few brief and concise conversations, he hung up the phone.

"How's it going?" Jun Duonan asked hurriedly.

Yun Ci looked at her and replied calmly: "It's okay. I'm drunk and haven't woken up yet. The department has already asked for leave."

"Then... are he and Teacher Shen okay?"

Yun Ci shrugged: "The Jun family probably doesn't know what happened to him and Shen Zhi, it is not convenient for me to ask."

"Okay..." Jun Duonuan glanced at the time, and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, there are still classes in the morning, Mommy, I'm leaving now!"

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