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It was indeed not a glamorous thing. Each of them had their hands stained with blood. They were able to sit firmly in this position by killing and stepping on the bones.

"Do you regret it?" Mu Huaiyu asked slowly, tilting his head.

To be honest, he feels good about Yunci. If he is sure that she is loyal, he intends to leave her with him for training. Because of Steward Luo's betrayal, he has become more cautious, and he is ready to continue to test Yunci, but he didn't expect it. , She would come so suddenly.

In fact, he has thought about opposing, but it still can't match the desire for profit.

Finally, there is a person who is willing to be the puppet king. What reason does he have to oppose?

Yunci lifted the corners of his lips under the veil, and his smile seemed a little sarcasm. Fortunately, no one could see it. He looked at Mu Huaiyu with calm eyes: "Tired is tired, but I don't regret it much."

Mu Huaiyu raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, he didn't say much, and slowly got up from the sofa and left.

Yun Ci clutched his chest, took a breath, and reached out in time to support the door frame, so that he didn't fall down.

She has never been a weak body, even if she is busy, she will not be so tired, and she feels that her body is getting worse and worse.

Chronic poison shouldn't come on so quickly. It may be the reason for the crossing. After all, she is not a person in this time and space, and she has stayed for too long.

I don't know when I can go back.

I wish to be able to slow down and let her do more for Dongtang Chiyou, until she saw that there was no more danger around him, and she could not rest assured.

Back in the room, Yun Ci sank and sat on the edge of the bed. She was drained of all strength. She took off her veil, her body was limp on the bed, her thin lips were slightly open, and she was breathing a heavy breath. She didn't even bother to even a finger. He moved, his eyelids heavier and heavier, slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep like this.

The next day, early in the morning, Yun Ci was awakened by a knock on the door. She opened her eyes suddenly, staring at the ceiling above her head, her pupils dilated, and it took a long time to gradually regain consciousness.

Yunci stood up with his arm supported, and found that he was still wearing thin skin without even the quilt. He slept all night and blew the cold wind all night. He felt more uncomfortable for his body, sharp pain in his throat, and bursts of pain in front of him. Blackened.

The servant walked into the room and put the food on the table.

Yunci didn't have any appetite, he didn't even look at breakfast, but he still wanted to drink the bowl of soup.

Yun Ci picked up the bowl and poured it into her mouth. The liquid ran across her throat, as if it had become a sharp blade. She probably drank too quickly, and she coughed so violently that the face under the veil flushed.

Seeing her like this, the servant didn't take care of her, so she just packed up and left.

In the afternoon, Yunci endured physical discomfort and walked to the door of the room. Just after opening the door, a guard suddenly stopped in front of her and asked sternly: "Where are you going?"

Yun Ci said coldly: "I have been busy for so long, and finally got free, can't I go out for a stroll?"

The guard was speechless for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he stepped aside.

The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities (2)Where stories live. Discover now