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Yunci took it the same way, but only held the candy in the palm of his hand.

The doll poked his own mouth with its big hand, meaning to let Yunci eat candy.

Yunci shook his head.

Who knows if there is something in it.

The doll tilted his head, as if he was asking: Don't you like it again?

He spread out his hands, seemingly helpless, and took out necklaces, diamonds, watches, hair clips, lipsticks, perfumes, music boxes, etc. from his pockets...

Yunci was soon surrounded by gifts.

Finally, the doll took out a little Doraemon from his pocket and handed it to Yunci again.

Yun Ci took it and compared it. Little Doraemon and the doll look exactly the same, it is a reduced version of it. She asked the doll, "Is this your baby?"

The doll seemed to be taken aback, but it seemed to please her, so he nodded reluctantly, and patted his chubby belly with his hand.

Yunci finally couldn't help it, and laughed with a chuckle.

The doll bent down with difficulty, got close to Yunci, smiled with Yunci's lips with a finger, and nodded his head, seeming to be complimenting her smile.

Yunci lifted his hand along the way, wanting to play with the doll's headgear to see who is inside.

The doll was taken aback, and immediately raised his head and took two steps backwards, avoiding Yunci's movements.

Yunci felt even more strange: "Who are you, why don't you show it to me?"

The doll shook his head, turned around and ran into the night, Yun Ci stood up and chased behind.

Because it was too cumbersome, the doll didn't run fast. It tripped itself and fell to the ground very flexibly. It rolled several times before stopping. It supported its arms and couldn't get up for a long time.

Yun Ci walked over slowly, squatted down next to the doll's head, looked at it with interest, seeing its nervousness, and deliberately joked: "Well...who are you?"

She stretched out her hand, ignoring the doll's struggle, and directly pulled off its headgear. When she saw the familiar handsome face, Yun Ci was stunned.

Junscher? !

The man fell to the ground, his body still trapped in the doll, only his head was exposed. It was hot and stuffy in the summer. A thin layer of sweat oozes from his white face, and his ink hair was soaked in sweat. , Looked a bit embarrassed, the original cold facial features, under the dimly yellow street lamp, seemed to fade away with a soft halo, a little charming, and a little...cute.

Jun Siche raised his eyebrows, his face was a little embarrassed, and he cursed very irritably: "I have never been so embarrassed in my life!"

Yun Ci is about to speak: "You..."

Jun Siche interrupted her in anger and anger: "Okay, if you know who I am, I'll leave!"

Seeing the man sweating profusely, thin lips slightly open, and panting, Yun Ci's heart seemed to be stuffed with things, sour and astringent, she slowly stretched out her hand to remove Jun Siche's wetness. He used his cuffs to wipe the sweat drops on his forehead. The action was gentle and gentle like never before, and he asked in a low voice, "It's hot, isn't it?"

Jun Siche raised his head, staring at Yunci in a daze, before he recovered for a while, and replied in a bewildered manner: "Fortunately..."

Yunci poked his doll cover, with a slight smile on his lips: "How do you take this thing off?"

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