Chapter 3: Blondes, Bullies and Blushing

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I walk through the Potions Classroom door with my head down and my face paler than usual. The entire class Cedric refused to say a word to me, even during the partner portion of the in-class assignment. Feeling utterly embarrassed and hopeless, a horrible feeling seemed to be situating itself in my stomach that I just could not shake.

"What are you going to do about it, Longbottom? You going to call your mute sister? Hm?" A voice sneers from behind me, and I whip around to see Neville being cornered by that blond Slytherin punk, Malfoy, and his gang. Anger coursing through me, (You could do whatever you want to me, but lay a finger on my brother and I will castrate you) I stride over to Malfoy, twirling my wand in between my fingers.

"Are these kids bugging you?" I ask Neville, casually pointing my wand at one of Malfoy's goons, who gulps. Neville nods. "Boys, if you walk right now I'll let you off easy. I'll only deduct 10 points from Slytherin. Each." I tell them slyly, my voice not quavering once throughout my sentence-a personal victory.

Malfoy's nostrils flare and his arrogant demeanor changes to one of complete disgust. 

"So she does speak! Come on boys, let's leave the Gryffindork and his dearest sister alone." He snaps pompously, but I could detect the nervousness under his big words.

As soon as they clear out, I revert back to myself. My heart starts pounding at the possibility that I just made enemies out of the creepy fourth years, and I feel embarrassed at the thought that anyone saw me being so mean, even if it was to Malfoy.

"Thanks Rity." Neville says, almost reluctantly. I couldn't blame his disdainful attitude, however. Those three boys have been causing him so much grief since their first year, and not once has he stood up to them. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't snapped yet...of course, I'm not the best example due to my situation with the twins, but Neville isn't me and shouldn't let himself get picked on like that. 

Speak of the devils, the ginger duo waltzes up to us with matching smirks on their faces.

"Well, well, well." George cluckss,

"She can talk above a whisper!" Fred exclaims, and my face reddens. Why does it always have to be them lurking in the shadows? 

"I'll talk to you later, Nevy." I mumble, patting his shoulder and heading off quickly. However, the footsteps behind me are obvious and I know I'm being followed. Sighing to myself, I turn around and face the twins.

"Go on. D-do your worst." I stutter, fear coursing through me as my eyes dart nervously from twin to twin, trying to calculate what hell they had in store for me this time. They exchange an overly innocent looking glance with each other. 

"Whatever do you mean?" They exclaim in unison, creeping me out a bit. When they did that, it made them seem like exact copies of the same person (especially with the matching uniforms), even though I can usually tell them apart. 

"I thought we've g-gotten past the point of sense...senseless foreplay. Just d-do it." I choke out, the anticipation making it even worse. They both raise their eyebrows, strange grins on their faces as if they were thinking the same thing. Hell, knowing them, they probably were.

"Now, now, foreplay is hardly ever senseless, my dear Charity." Fred finally declares in a strange, low voice,

"In fact, it's generally where most of the fun derives from." George adds, and I realize the way they took my statement. I blush madly as I realize what I had accidentally implied. 

"I didn't mean..." I begin, but I trail off as I see them reaching for something in their pockets. To my surprise, they're sweets, but I still don't trust them.

"Want one?" George asks, holding out his hand.

"Think of it as compensation for the last six years." Fred chimes in, strangely charming smiles on both of their faces. If I wasn't terrified, I'd almost find the situation laughable-did they really think I was that easy to fool? 

"What'd you do, p-poison them?" I query wearily, and the moment of hesitation is all I need to confirm my suspicions that these were not normal candies.

"No thanks." I manage to get out, attempting to walk away, but they each grab one of my arms and pull me back.

"That was rather rude, don't you think Freddie?" George comments, and Fred nods,

"I think so." Fred agrees, and a feeling of dread overwhelms me. I know where this is going.

"Think we ought to teach her a lesson?" George asks, but before Fred can agree, another voice speaks up.

"I don't think that's the best idea." Cedric snaps, walking up to us with his wand in hand, "Twice in one week you've been caught bothering her-can't you just give it a rest?" He snaps, anger lighting up his expression. I'm shocked he's coming to my rescue again-especially after last night-but some part of me is relieved that he still has the decency to help me. 

"Twenty points from Gryffindor. Now leave before I hex your heads off." He growls, angrier than I could ever recall seeing him in the six years I've known him. The twins drop my arms and stalk off-perhaps to find another victim-leaving Cedric and I in an awkward silence. He puts his wand away and gives me a sideways glance.

"The correct thing to do in this situation is thank me." He finally says, trying to look at me, but I avert my eyes, embarrassed.

"Sorry." I whisper, my voice even quieter than usual.

"It's okay. I forgive you. Besides, I don't want to get on your bad side. For all I know we'll have to fight each other in this thing, and I don't particularly fancy being on the receiving end of one of your curses." He says, and I giggle a little. 

"I'm completely serious. I mean, you're what? Five feet tall? You're five feet tall and easily the most terrifyingly powerful witch I have ever come across besides Professor McGonagall." He says, seeming to be only half joking.

"Come on, that was funny. At least look at me." He says softly, his warm hand touching my chin and tilting it upward gently so that I'm forced to look him in the eyes.

For a moment my breath catches in my throat, as I'm thrown completely off-guard by the vibrant sea green color his eyes are. I feel another wave of blushing creep into my cheeks as Cedric's eyes scan my whole face. Suddenly he breaks into a small smile.

"You're so cute." He mumbles off-handedly, causing me to recoil in shock. What did he mean by that? 

"Ex-excuse me?" I whimper, but my lack of eloquence comes more from confusion than shyness. He seems to realize what he said and shakes his head. Now he was the one blushing.

"I don't know what possessed me to say that. So sorry. I'll just be going..." He chokes out, and walks briskly past me, leaving me utterly confused and slightly excited, but I wasn't sure what for.

Feeling oddly happy, I head off to the Ravenclaw Common Room, and I spot the ghost of Helena Ravenclaw giving me a strange look. 

"Good evening, Helena!" I say cheerily, and quite loud. Her eyes widen in audible shock and she disappears, never breaking her terrified eye contact with me the entire time. Confused, I continue on my way, but not without hearing some strange murmurs from the portraits,

"Is that Charity Bloom? She looks so cheerful!" A woman in a large hat exclaims, "Or is it Charity Longbottom? I always forget! Too many syllables."  

"It's Bloom-Longbottom, you ditz! And I think so...what do you think happened? She got extra homework?" A suavely dressed man sneers, and I walk a little faster, trying to avoid their judgement. 

Had I really managed to startle Helena and the paintings because I looked happy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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