Info and Characters

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These photos aren't mine but I've put all the photos together :)

These photos aren't mine but I've put all the photos together :)

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Vincenzo Russo.

33 years old.

Black hair, brown eyes.

Vincenzo is the boss, he owns the italian mafia and works really hard. But he always puts his family first, no matter what.

 But he always puts his family first, no matter what

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Elisabeth Russo.

31 years old.

Brown hair, green eyes.

Elisabeth is a very famous designer and she owns some shops that sell her clothes. She works at one of them but isn't there everyday. She likes to be home more and take care of her sons especially after the "incident".

 She likes to be home more and take care of her sons especially after the "incident"

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Bella Russo.

3-4 years old.

Brown hair, Emerald eyes.

Bella is an adorable little angel but everyone have their demons. Bella could seem like an clingy child but she really isn't. Or ok maybe she is. But she just wants to be liked and loved. When she gets the even just a second of love she doesn't want to let go. Shes afraid to lose the people she love.

Lorenzo Russo.

12 years old.

Black hair, brown eyes.

Lorenzo is the oldest of his siblings. He's very mature for his age and like to take care of his siblings. He also likes to help out at home when it gets a little hard.

Grayson Russo.

11 years old.

Black hair, brown eyes.

Grayson is the mean one in the family. The only one he listnens to is his mom. He's super overprotective over his mom and never let her go out when its dark even tho she has bodyguards. Like do you really think Vincenzo would leave his queen without protection? Never after what happened to his princess.

Matthew Russo

10 years old.

Black hair, green eyes.

Matthew is the prankster of the family. And even in class he is the clown. That is some times a good thing but he gets in trouble a lot. He really likes to play around with his siblings but it usually ends with him running away from his angry siblings.

Elijah Bruno

33 years old.

Vincenzo's right hand in the mafia and childhood best friend.

Jack Lopez

36 years old

Bald, brown eyes.

Bellas foster dad. He's very abusive and only cares about money. He's in some dirty shit and is super selfish.

i couldn't really find any good pictures for the brothers aesthetic so you can imagen whatever you want. It will probobly be some more people when were more into the book but this is everyone you need to know about right now.

you can of course imagine them however you want but this is just for those who want some ideas on how to imagen them.

I love comments and my native language is not English so you can of course correct me if my grammar is wrong.

The first chapters could be pretty bad but trust me, it gets better.

I don't want anyone stealing my characters or ideas without giving me credit.

This book will contain abuse so if you can't handle that you maybe shoudn't read my book.

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